make (v.)
do, perform, carry out
AYL IV.iii.62[Rosalind as Ganymede reading Phebe's letter to Ganymede] the faithful offer take / Of me and all that I can make
Cor[First Lord to Aufidius, of Coriolanus] What faults he made before the last ... / Might have found easy fines
H8 I.iv.46.2[Sands to Anne, of his being a merry gamester] Yes, if I make my play [i.e. win what I play for]
KL V.iii.94.2[Albany to Edmund, of proving his accusation] I'll make it on thy heart [F; Q prove]
MW II.i.218[Ford to himself, of Mistress Page and Falstaff] She was in his company at Page's house, and what they made there I know not [i.e. what they got up to]

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