mutiny (n.) Old form(s): Mutinie
riot, civil disturbance, state of discord
1H6 IV.i.131[Gloucester to Richard and Somerset, of Vernon and Basset] you do not well ... / To raise a mutiny betwixt yourselves
1H6 V.i.62[Winchester alone] I'll ... sack this country with a mutiny
2H6 III.ii.128[Warwick to King, of the people] Myself have calmed their spleenful mutiny
JC III.i.86[Cinna to Brutus, of Publius] quite confounded with this mutiny
JC III.ii.123[Antony to all] If I were disposed to stir / Your hearts and minds to mutiny and rage
JC III.ii.212[Antony to all] let me not stir you up / To such a sudden flood of mutiny
KL I.ii.107[Gloucester to Edmund] In cities, mutinies
LLL I.i.167[King to Berowne, of Armado] whom right and wrong / Have chose as umpire of their mutiny
Oth II.iii.151[Iago to Roderigo] go out and cry a mutiny
RJ I.prologue.3[Chorus] From ancient grudge break to new mutiny
RJ I.v.80[Capulet to Tybalt] You'll make mutiny among my guests!
TC I.iii.96[Ulysses to all, of disorder in the planets] what mutiny, ... horrors, / Divert and crack, rend and deracinate / The unity and married calm of states

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