ostentation (n.)
public show, display, exhibition
2H4 II.ii.47[Prince Henry to Poins] keeping such vile company as thou art hath in reason taken from me all ostentation of sorrow
AC III.vi.52[Caesar to Octavia] you ... have prevented / The ostentation of our love
Cor I.vi.86[Cominius to Roman soldiers] Make good this ostentation [i.e. your show of support]
LLL V.i.106[Armado to Holofernes] the King would have me present the Princess ... with some delightful ostentation
MA IV.i.203[Friar to Leonato] Maintain a mourning ostentation
R2 II.iii.94[York to Bolingbroke] Frighting ... villages with war / And ostentation of despised arms

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