persever (v.) Old form(s): perseuer, perseuers
persevere, persist, keep at it
AYL V.ii.4[Orlando to Oliver, of Celia as Aliena] And will you persever to enjoy her?
CE II.ii.225[Antipholus of Syracuse to himself, of the women] I'll say as they say, and persever so
KL III.v.20[Edmund to Cornwall] I will persever in my course of loyalty [F; Q persevere]
MND III.ii.237[Helena to Hermia] Persever, counterfeit sad looks
Per[Lysimachus to Marina] Persever in that clear way thou goest
TG III.ii.28[Duke to Proteus, of Silvia's opposition to Thurio] and perversely she persevers so

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