politic (adj.) Old form(s): politicke , politike , politique , pollitick
prudent, cautious, discreet, shrewd
1H6 II.v.101[Mortimer to Richard] With silence, nephew, be thou politic
KL I.iv.320[Gonerill to Albany, of Lear] 'Tis politic and safe to let him keep / At point a hundred knights!
Oth III.iii.13.1[Desdemona to Cassio, of Othello] He shall in strangeness stand no farther off / Than in a politic distance
R3 II.iii.20[Third Citizen to other Citizens, of Henry VI's reign] then this land was famously enriched / With politic grave counsel
Sonn.124.11[of love] But all alone stands hugely politic
TC III.iii.254[Thersites to Achilles, of Ajax] he ... bites his lip with a politic regard
TN II.v.155[Malvolio to himself] I will read politic authors

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