power (n.) Old form(s): powre , Powres
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
AC II.i.6[Menecrates to Pompey] We, ignorant of ourselves, / Beg often our own harms, which the wise powers / Deny us for our good
Cym V.iv.26[Posthumus alone, to the gods] great powers, / If you will take this audit, take this life
Cym V.v.467[Soothsayer to all] The fingers of the powers above do tune / The harmony of this peace
Ham III.i.142[Ophelia to Hamlet, as if to the gods] O heavenly powers, restore him!
JC V.i.106[Brutus to Cassius] arming myself with patience / To stay the providence of some high powers / That govern us below
KL I.i.207[Lear to Burgundy] by the power that made me
Luc.345[of Tarquin] in the midst of his unfruitful prayer, / Having solicited the eternal power
Luc.349[Tarquin, of his intention] The powers to whom I pray abhor this fact
Mac II.i.7[Banquo to Fleance, as if to the gods] Merciful powers, / Restrain in me the cursed thoughts that nature / Gives way to in repose
Mac IV.i.68.1[Macbeth to the vision] Tell me, thou unknown power
Mac IV.iii.237[Malcolm to all] the powers above / Put on their instruments
MV IV.i.289[Gratiano to all, of his wife] I would she were in heaven, so she could / Entreat some power to change this currish Jew
Oth II.i.189.2[Othello to the gods, of what Desdemona has said] Amen to that, sweet Powers!
Oth V.ii.216.2[Emilia to all] O God! O heavenly Powers!
Per I.i.73[Pericles to himself] But O you powers / That give heaven countless eyes to view men's acts
Per III.iii.10[Pericles to Cleon and Dionyza] We cannot but obey / The powers above us
Tem III.iii.74[Ariel to Alonso, Sebastian, and Antonio] The powers ... have / Incensed the seas and shores
Tem V.i.105[Gonzalo to all] Some heavenly power guide us / Out of this fearful country!
Tit III.i.207[Titus to all] If any power pities wretched tears, / To that I call
TNK V.i.7.1[Theseus to all, of Palamon and Arcite] They ... will honour / The very powers that love 'em
TNK V.i.89[Palamon to Venus] What godlike power / Hast thou not power upon? [first instance]
TNK V.iii.139[Emilia to all, as if to the gods] O all you heavenly powers, where is your mercy?
WT III.ii.200.2[Lord to Paulina, of Hermione's death] The higher powers forbid!
WT V.iii.91.1[Paulina to Leontes] you'll think ... I am assisted / By wicked powers

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