anon (adv.) Old form(s): Anone
soon, shortly, presently
1H4 II.i.4[Ostler to First Carrier, responding to ‘What, Ostler!’] Anon, anon
1H4 II.iv.25[Prince Hal to Poins, of Francis] one that never spake other English in his life than ... ‘You are welcome’, with this shrill addition, ‘Anon, anon, sir!’ [and throughout the scene]
1H4 II.iv.31[Prince Hal to Poins] do thou never leave calling ‘Francis!’, that his tale to me may be nothing but ‘Anon’
1H6 IV.vii.19[Talbot to all, as if to Death] Anon, from thy insulting tyranny ... / Two Talbots, winged through the lither sky, / In thy despite shall 'scape mortality
2H4 II.iv.16[Will to Drawer] here will be the Prince and Master Poins anon
2H4 II.iv.168[Bardolph to Pistol, of the situation] this will grow to a brawl anon
2H4 II.iv.276[Prince Henry and Poins to Falstaff, of his request for sack] Anon, anon, sir
2H4 III.ii.26[Silence to Shallow, of Falstaff] that comes hither anon about soldiers?
2H4 V.iii.24[Falstaff to Silence, of the latter's song] I'll give you a health for that anon
2H6 V.i.159[York to Clifford] we shall heat you thoroughly anon
3H6 III.i.2[First Keeper to Second Keeper] For through this laund anon the deer will come
AW I.iii.122[Countess to Steward] I will speak with you further anon
AW I.iii.63[Countess to Steward] Get you gone, sir. I'll talk with you more anon
AW IV.i.61[First Lord to his companions, of Parolles producing an oath] You shall hear one anon
AW IV.iii.192[First Lord to Bertram, of what Parolles is saying] we shall hear of your lordship anon
AW V.iii.318[Lafew to all] Mine eyes smell onions, I shall weep anon
AYL II.i.52[First Lord to Duke Senior, of Jaques] Anon a careless herd, / Full of the pasture, jumps along by him
CE V.i.119[Second Merchant to Angelo] Anon, I'm sure, the Duke himself in person / Comes this way
CE V.i.148[Adriana to Duke, of Antipholus of Ephesus] Anon, I wot not by what strong escape, / He broke from those that had the guard of him
CE V.i.413[Antipholus of Syracuse to Dromio of Syracuse, of retrieving his things] Come, go with us, we'll look to that anon
Cor II.iii.141.1[Menenius to Coriolanus] Remains / That in th'official marks invested you / Anon do meet the Senate
Cor II.iii.144[Sicinius to Coriolanus] The people do admit you, and are summoned / To meet anon upon your approbation
Cor IV.v.19[Second Servingman to Coriolanus] I'll have you talked with anon
Cym III.v.132[Cloten alone, of Pisanio] I forgot to ask him one thing, I'll remember't anon
Cym V.iii.40[Posthumus to Lord] Then began / A stop i'th' chaser; a retire: anon / A rout
E3 II.i.9[Lodovick alone, of King Edward] Anon, with reverent fear when she grew pale, / His cheeks put on their scarlet ornaments
E3 II.ii.34[King Edward to Derby] I'll look upon the Countess' mind anon
E3 V.i.146[Salisbury to all] Anon the death-procuring knell begins
H5 IV.i.26[King Henry to Gloucester, of the princes] Do my good morrow to them, and anon / Desire them all to my pavilion
H8 I.ii.107[Wolsey to Secretary] I shall anon advise you / Further in the proceeding
H8 I.iv.49.1[Sands to Wolsey, of the ladies talking] I told your grace they would talk anon
H8 III.ii.117[Norfolk to King Henry, of Wolsey] Strikes his breast hard, and anon he casts / His eye against the moon
H8 V.ii.34[King Henry to Butts] We shall hear more anon
H8 V.iv.1[Porter to the crowd] You'll leave your noise anon, ye rascals
Ham II.ii.466.2[First Player to all, of Pyrrhus and Priam] Anon he finds him, / Striking too short at Greeks
Ham II.ii.484[First Player to all] anon the dreadful thunder / Doth rend the region
Ham III.ii.145.7[stage direction for dumb show] Anon comes in another man
Ham III.ii.250[Hamlet to Claudius] You shall see anon
Ham III.ii.272[Hamlet to all, of the play] You shall see anon how the murderer gets the love of Gonzago's wife
Ham V.i.282[Queen to all, of Hamlet] Anon, [he will be] as patient as the female dove
KJ I.i.232[Bastard to Gurney] There's toys abroad. Anon I'll tell thee more
KJ III.iv.177[Cardinal Pandulph to Lewis the Dauphin] as a little snow, tumbled about, / Anon becomes a mountain
KL I.ii.173[Edgar to Edmund] Shall I hear from you anon?
LC.26[of the woman's eyes] anon their gazes lend / To every place at once and no where fixed
Luc.433[of Tarquin's veins] Anon his beating heart, alarum striking, / Gives the hot charge
Mac I.i.8.3[Third Witch to others, responding to ‘Paddock calls’] Anon!
Mac II.iii.19[Porter to those knocking] Anon, anon! I pray you remember the porter
Mac III.i.138.1[Macbeth to Murderers] I'll come to you anon
Mac III.iv.11[Macbeth to all] Anon we'll drink a measure / The table round
Mac IV.iii.139.2[Malcolm to Macduff, of their conversation] Well, more anon
Mac V.v.34[Messenger to Macbeth] I look'd toward Birnan and anon methought / The wood began to move
MM IV.i.23[disguised Duke to Mariana] May be I will call upon you anon for some advantage to yourself
MM IV.ii.150[disguised Duke to Provost, of Barnardine] More of him anon.
MM IV.ii.191[disguised Duke to Provost, of a letter] You shall anon overread it at your pleasure
MM IV.v.14[Duke to Varrius] There's other of our friends / Will greet us here anon
MM V.i.356[Duke to Lucio] the friar and you / Must have a word anon
MND II.i.17[Fairy to Puck] Our Queen and all our elves come here anon
MND III.ii.18[Puck to Oberon, of Bottom as Pyramus] Anon his Thisbe must be answered
MND III.ii.356[Oberon to Puck] The starry welkin cover thou anon / With drooping fog
MND IV.i.177[Theseus to the lovers] Of this discourse we more will hear anon
MND V.i.143[Quince as Prologue, to all] Anon comes Pyramus
MV II.ii.108[Bassanio to a follower] desire Gratiano to come anon to my lodging
MV II.ix.97[Portia to Messenger, of the visitor] I am half afeard / Thou wilt say anon he is some kin to thee
MV III.v.81[Lorenzo to Jessica, of giving her an opinion] I will anon. First let us go to dinner
MW III.ii.78[Caius to Rugby] Go home, John Rugby. I come anon
MW III.iii.159[Ford to all] you shall see sport anon
MW IV.ii.131[Ford to the hidden Falstaff] I shall find you anon
MW IV.ii.37[Mistress Page to Mistress Ford, of Ford] He will be here anon
Oth IV.i.261[Othello to Desdemona] I'll send for you anon
Oth IV.i.80[Iago to Othello, of Cassio] I ... / Bade him anon return and here speak with me
Oth IV.iii.47[Desdemona to Emilia, of Othello] Prithee hie thee; he'll come anon
Oth V.i.107[Iago to Bianca] if you stare, we shall hear more anon
PP.6.9[of Adonis] Anon he comes, and throws his mantle by
PP.9.6[] Anon Adonis comes with horn and hounds
R3 I.iv.165[Second Murderer to Clarence] You shall have wine enough, my lord, anon
R3 III.i.39[Cardinal Bourchier to Buckingham] if my weak oratory / Can from his mother win the Duke of York, / Anon expect him here
RJ I.iv.85[Mercutio to Romeo, of a dreaming soldier] dreams he ... / Of healths five fathom deep; and then anon / Drums in his ear
RJ I.v.143.2[Nurse to Juliet, responding to a call] Anon, anon!
RJ II.ii.137[Juliet, responding to a call] Anon, good Nurse!
RJ II.ii.150[Juliet, responding to a call] I come, anon
RJ II.iv.102[Peter to Nurse, responding to his name being called] Anon
RJ V.iii.283[Page to Prince] Anon comes one with light to ope the tomb
Sonn.33.5[of the sun] Anon permit the basest clouds to ride / With ugly rack on his celestial face
Sonn.75.5[of a miser and his wealth] proud as an enjoyer, and anon / Doubting the filching age will steal his treasure
TC I.ii.188[Pandarus to Cressida] mark Troilus; you shall see anon
TC I.ii.194[Pandarus to Cressida] I'll show you Troilus anon
TC I.iii.39[Nestor to Agamemnon] let the ruffian Boreas once enrage / The gentle Thetis, and anon behold / The strong-ribbed bark through liquid mountains cut
TC IV.iv.51[Troilus to Aeneas, of Cressida] Bid them have patience; she shall come anon
TC V.v.21[Nestor to all, of Hector] here he fights on Galathe his horse, / And there lacks work; anon he's there afoot
TC[Achilles to Hector] But thou anon shalt hear of me again
Tem II.ii.140[Stephano to Caliban] Kiss the book. I will furnish it anon with new contents
Tem II.ii.79[Caliban to Stephano] Thou dost me yet but little hurt. Thou wilt anon
Tim I.i.157[Timon to Poet] you shall hear from me anon
Tim II.ii.128[Flavius to Servants] I'll speak with you anon
Tim[Sempronius to Lucius] I'll tell you more anon
Tit V.i.90[Aaron to Lucius, of begetting a baby with Tamora] this was but a deed of charity / To that which thou shalt hear of me anon
TN III.iv.311[Sir Toby to Antonio] I'll be with you anon
TN IV.ii.122[Feste singing, on leaving Malvolio] I am gone, sir, and anon, sir, / I'll be with you again
TN V.i.46[Feste to Orsino] let your bounty take a nap--I will awake it anon
TN V.i.98[Orsino to Antonio] Three months this youth hath tended upon me. / But more of that anon
TNK I.i.106.1[Hippolyta to Second Queen] I'll speak anon
TNK V.iii.81[Servant to Emilia] But anon / Th'assistants made a brave redemption
TS induction.1.128[Lord to Servingman] Anon I'll give thee more instructions
Ven.279[of Adonis' horse] Anon he rears upright, curvets and leaps
Ven.302[of Adonis' horse] Anon he starts at stirring of a feather
Ven.700[Venus to Adonis, of the hare and hounds] Anon their loud alarums he doth hear
Ven.869[of Venus, and Adonis' hounds] Anon she hears them chant it lustily
WT III.iii.25[Antigonus alone, of Hermione speaking in his dream] the fury spent, anon / Did this break from her
WT IV.iv.272[Clown to Shepherds, of Autolycus's wares] we'll buy the other things anon
WT IV.iv.307[Clown to all] We'll have this song out anon by ourselves
WT V.iii.61.1[Paulina to Leontes, of the statue] No longer shall you gaze on't, lest your fancy / May think anon it moves

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