allow (v.) Old form(s): allow'd
acknowledge, grant, admit
2H4 I.iii.5[Mowbray to all] I well allow the occasion of our arms
Cym III.iii.17[Belarius to Guiderius and Arviragus] This service is not service, so being done, / But being so allowed [i.e. it is accepted as service, though not true service]
MW II.ii.220[Ford as Brook to Falstaff] you are a gentleman ... generally allowed for your many warlike, courtlike, and learned preparations
TN I.ii.60[Viola to Captain, of Orsino] I can sing / And speak to him in many sorts of music / That will allow me very worth his service
TN IV.ii.57[disguised Feste to Malvolio] Thou shalt hold the opinion of Pythagoras ere I will allow of thy wits

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