abuse (v.)
demean, do wrong to, dishonour
1H6 IV.v.41[John Talbot to Talbot] your renowned name; shall flight abuse it?
AC V.ii.43[Proculeius to Cleopatra] Do not abuse my master's bounty [also: sense 2]
H8 I.iii.28[Lovell to Lord Chamberlain, of French-influenced Englishmen] Abusing better men than they can be / Out of a foreign wisdom
KL V.i.11.2[Edmund to Regan, of her suspicion] That thought abuses you
Oth IV.ii.13[Emilia to Othello, of his way of thinking] it doth abuse your bosom
Per I.ii.38[Helicanus to Lords] They do abuse the king that flatter him

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