
Several adverbs which in modern English would end in -ly appear without the suffix in Shakespearean English. In most cases, adverb forms with the -ly are also found at that time - nobly, for example, in RJ III.v.181, damnably in 1H4 IV.ii.12; but audible (see below) is a case where the -ly form seems not to have entered English until later (earliest Oxford English Dictionary citation, 1635).

Item Location Example
according MM V.i.479 thou art said to have a stubborn soul ... / And squar'st thy life according
audible MM V.i.405 The very mercy of the law cries out / Most audible
bountiful Cor II.iii.101 I will ... give it bountiful
damnable WT III.ii.185 That did but show thee ... damnable ingrateful
dear MND III.ii.175 Lest to thy peril thou aby it dear
dishonourable 1H4 IV.ii.30 ten times more dishonourable-ragged than an old fazed ancient
easy Sonn 109.3 As easy might I from myself depart
equal H8 I.i.159 he is equal ravenous / As he is subtle
exceeding CE I.i.57 their parents were exceeding poor
frantic Sonn 147.10 I am ... frantic mad with evermore unrest
grievous 1H4 IV.i.16 he is grievous sick
loose MW she shall be loose enrobed
marvellous MA IV.ii.25 A marvellous witty fellow
noble AC II.ii.102 ’Tis noble spoken
singular 2H4 III.ii.108 Very singular good, in faith
treacherous 1H6 I.v.30 Sheep run not half so treacherous from the wolf
unfortunate 1H6 I.iv.4 Howe’er unfortunate I missed my aim
willing H8 IV.ii.130 most willing, madam

The opposite effect can also be seen: some adverbs were formed from nouns with the -ly suffix, such as angerly (KJ IV.i.81) and hungerly (Oth III.iv.101), which today have developed alternative forms (angrily, hungrily).


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