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Search results

Search phrase: brew


 4 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW I.iv.94his house; and I wash, wring, brew, bake, scour, dresshis house; and I wash, ring, brew, bake, scowre, dresse
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW III.v.25Take away these chalices. Go, brew me aTake away these Challices: / Go, brew me a
Troilus and CressidaTC IV.iv.7Or brew it to a weak and colder palate,Or brew it to a weake and colder pallat,
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG III.i.297your heart, you brew good ale.’your heart, you brew good Ale.)


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
brewdilute, water down
brewage[drink] brew, concoction, mixture
brew-houseouthouse used for brewing liquor


 1 result(s).
brew [drink]brewage

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 4 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
BREWBASICbrew n, brewage n
BREWPLACEbrew-house n


 0 result(s).

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