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Search phrase: darken


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC I.iv.11Evils enow to darken all his goodness.euils enow to darken all his goodnesse:
CoriolanusCor II.i.251.1Shall darken him for ever.Shall darken him for euer.
PericlesPer III.ii.28May the two latter darken and expend,may the two latter darken and expend;
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.v.2Vapours, sighs, darken the day;Vapours, sighes, darken the day;
The Winter's TaleWT IV.iv.41With these forced thoughts, I prithee, darken notWith these forc'd thoughts, I prethee darken not


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.191 To darken her whose light excelleth thine: To darken her whose light excelleth thine:


 3 result(s).
blotobscure, darken, cloud
darkenobscure, eclipse, deprive of fame
thickengrow dim, darken


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