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Search phrase: ensuing


 10 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor V.iii.148To the ensuing age abhorred.’ Speak to me, son.To th' insuing Age, abhorr'd. Speake to me Son:
Henry VI Part 22H6 I.i.49next ensuing. Item, it is further agreed between them thatnext ensuing. Item, That
Henry VIIIH8 I.i.27Was cried incomparable; and th' ensuing nightWas cry'de incompareable; and th'ensuing night
Henry VIIIH8 II.i.141Of an ensuing evil, if it fall,Of an ensuing euill, if it fall,
Much Ado About NothingMA III.ii.88and in dearness of heart hath holp to effect your ensuingand in dearenesse of heart) hath holpe to effect your ensuing
PericlesPer II.i.7Nothing to think on but ensuing death.Nothing to thinke on, but ensuing death:
Richard IIR2 II.i.68How happy then were my ensuing death!How happy then were my ensuing death?
Richard IIIR3 II.iii.43Ensuing danger; as by proof we seePursuing danger: as by proofe we see
The TempestTem III.iii.83And a clear life ensuing.And a cleere life ensuing.
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG II.ii.11The next ensuing hour some foul mischanceThe next ensuing howre, some foule mischance


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Venus and AdonisVen.1078 Of things long since, or any thing ensuing? Of things long since, or any thing insuing?


 1 result(s).
sequentfollowing, ensuing, consequent


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