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Search phrase: jesting


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Love's Labour's LostLLL V.ii.477Holding a trencher, jesting merrily?Holding a trencher, iesting merrilie?
Much Ado About NothingMA III.ii.54Nay, but his jesting spirit, which is now creptNay, but his iesting spirit, which is now crept
The TempestTem III.ii.45Thou liest, thou jesting monkey, thou.Thou lyest, thou iesting Monkey thou:
Troilus and CressidaTC I.ii.206you see? Look you there, there's no jesting; there'syou see? Looke you there? There's no iesting,
Twelfth NightTN II.v.20the name of jesting!the name of ieasting,


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