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Search phrase: medlar


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
As You Like ItAYL III.ii.114it with a medlar; then it will be the earliest fruitit with a Medler: then it will be the earliest fruit
As You Like ItAYL III.ii.116and that's the right virtue of the medlar.and that's the right vertue of the Medler.
Measure for MeasureMM IV.iii.170They would else have married me to the rotten medlar.They would else haue married me to the rotten Medler.
Romeo and JulietRJ II.i.34Now will he sit under a medlar treeNow will he sit vnder a Medler tree,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.306despised for the contrary. There's a medlar for thee.despis'd for the contrary. There's a medler for thee,
Timon of AthensTim IV.iii.309Dost hate a medlar?Do'st hate a Medler?


 0 result(s).


 4 result(s).
medlarapple-like fruit eaten when its flesh has begun to decay [also: pun on ‘meddler’]
medlarwhore, prostitute
medlarvariety of tree [whose fruit were thought to resemble female genitalia]
open-arse[rustic bawdy, from the shape of the fruit] medlar fruit


 2 result(s).
fruit, medlaropen-arse
medlar fruitopen-arse

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).

Words Families

 3 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
MEDLARBASICmedlar adj, medlar n, medlar tree n


 0 result(s).

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