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Search phrase: offender


 12 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW V.iii.26A stranger, no offender; and inform himA stranger, no offender; and informe him
CymbelineCym V.v.300.2Bind the offender,Binde the Offender,
Henry IV Part 22H4 V.ii.81Whereon, as an offender to your father,Whereon (as an Offender to your Father)
Henry VI Part 11H6 III.i.131But prove a chief offender in the same?But proue a chiefe offendor in the same.
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.i.176And the offender granted scope of speech,And the Offendor graunted scope of speech,
Henry VIIIH8 V.iii.121The cause betwixt her and this great offender.The cause betwixt her, and this great offender.
King LearKL II.i.88Which can pursue th' offender. How dost, my lord?Which can pursue th'offender; how dost my Lord?
Measure for MeasureMM IV.ii.110That for the fault's love is th' offender friended.That for the faults loue, is th' offender friended.
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW II.ii.183easy it is to be such an offender.easie it is to be such an offender.
Much Ado About NothingMA V.i.292white and black, this plaintiff here, the offender, did callwhite and black, this plaintiffe here, the offendour did call
Titus AndronicusTit V.ii.40Revenge, which makes the foul offender quake.Reuenge, which makes the foule offenders quake.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK V.i.23I would destroy th' offender, coz; I would,I would destroy th' offender, Coz, I would


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offendressfemale offender


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female offenderoffendress
offender, femaleoffendress

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