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Search phrase: persuasion


 19 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Comedy of ErrorsCE IV.ii.13With what persuasion did he tempt thy love? With what perswasion did he tempt thy loue?
CymbelineCym I.v.111You are a great deal abused in too bold a persuasion,You are a great deale abus'd in too bold a perswasion,
Henry IV Part 11H4 I.ii.150Well, God give thee the spirit of persuasion,Well, maist thou haue the Spirit of perswasion;
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.i.193harlotry, one that no persuasion can do good upon.Harlotry, / One that no perswasion can doe good vpon.
Henry IV Part 11H4 V.ii.78Can lift your blood up with persuasion.Can lift your blood vp with perswasion.
Julius CaesarJC II.i.200And the persuasion of his augurersAnd the perswasion of his Augurers,
King JohnKJ V.v.11By his persuasion are again fallen off,By his perswasion, are againe falne off,
Measure for MeasureMM IV.i.46That stays upon me, whose persuasion isThat staies vpon me; whose perswasion is,
Measure for MeasureMM IV.ii.184persuasion can with ease attempt you, I will go further thanperswasion, can with ease attempt you, I wil go further then
Measure for MeasureMM IV.iii.58persuasion.perswasion.
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND I.i.156A good persuasion. Therefore hear me, Hermia:A good perswasion; therefore heare me Hermia,
Much Ado About NothingMA V.iv.95yield upon great persuasion; and partly to save youryeeld vpon great perswasion, & partly to saue your
The Taming of the ShrewTS V.ii.119As prisoners to her womanly persuasion.As prisoners to her womanlie perswasion:
The TempestTem II.i.239For he's a spirit of persuasion, only(For hee's a Spirit of perswasion, onely
Timon of AthensTim III.vi.7It should not be, by the persuasion of his newIt should not be, by the perswasion of his new
Troilus and CressidaTC III.ii.162Or that persuasion could but thus convince me,Or that perswasion could but thus conuince me,
Twelfth NightTN III.iv.340Can lack persuasion? Do not tempt my misery,Can lacke perswasion. Do not tempt my misery,
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG III.ii.64Where you may temper her, by your persuasion,Where you may temper her, by your perswasion,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.iii.91If I were ripe for your persuasion, youIf I were ripe for your perswasion, you


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.286 So cross him with their opposite persuasion So crosse him with their opposit perswasion,


 5 result(s).
breathsuggestion, persuasion, judgement
persuasionargument, inducement, reason
persuasionconviction, principle, opinion
persuasionbelief, impression, understanding
persuasionevidence, persuasive indication


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Themes and Topics

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