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Search results

Search phrase: preserved


 13 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym V.iii.58Preserved the Britons, was the Romans' bane."Preseru'd the Britaines, was the Romanes bane.
Henry VI Part 11H6 IV.v.33Rather than life preserved with infamy.Rather then Life, preseru'd with Infamie.
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.i.301Men's flesh preserved so whole do seldom win.Mens flesh preseru'd so whole, doe seldome winne.
King LearKL IV.vi.74Of men's impossibilities, have preserved thee.Of mens Impossibilities, haue preserued thee.
Measure for MeasureMM II.ii.153Ere sunrise: prayers from preserved souls,Ere Sunne rise: prayers from preserued soules,
OthelloOth I.iii.204What cannot be preserved when fortune takes,What cannot be presern'd, when Fortune takes:
PericlesPer V.iii.57How possibly preserved, and who to thank,how possiblie preserued? and who to thanke
PericlesPer epilogue.V.iii.5Virtue preserved from fell destruction's blast,Vertue preferd from fell destructions blast,
Richard IIIR3 II.ii.119Must gently be preserved, cherished, and kept.Must gently be preseru'd, cherisht, and kept:
Titus AndronicusTit V.iii.109That have preserved her welfare in my blood,That haue preseru'd her welfare in my blood,
Twelfth NightTN V.i.253I was preserved to serve this noble Count.I was preseru'd to serue this Noble Count:
The Winter's TaleWT V.iii.124Where hast thou been preserved? Where lived? How foundWhere hast thou bin preseru'd? Where liu'd? How found
The Winter's TaleWT V.iii.127Gave hope thou wast in being, have preservedGaue hope thou wast in being, haue preseru'd


 0 result(s).


 5 result(s).
preservedkept safe from evil, protected
reservedwell-guarded, preserved, sustained
saltsalted, preserved, dried
sousedpreserved, pickled
writtenpreserved, engraved, fixed


 4 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)...iii 128 [hermione to perdita] i have preserved / myself to see the issue issue (n ) 3...

Words Families

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