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Search phrase: sharpness


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW I.ii.37Were in his pride or sharpness; if they were,Were in his pride, or sharpnesse; if they were,
Antony and CleopatraAC III.iii.34Thou must not take my former sharpness ill.Thou must not take my former sharpenesse ill,
King Edward IIIE3 I.i.108 (drawing his sword) Lorraine, behold the sharpness of this steel.Lorraine behold the sharpnes of this steele:
King LearKL V.iii.58By those that feel their sharpness.
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK IV.ii.30Of all this sprightly sharpness not a smile.Of all this sprightly sharpenes, not a smile;


 0 result(s).


 3 result(s).
apprehensionsharpness of mind, quickness of uptake
edgesharpness, keenness
witmental sharpness, acumen, quickness, ingenuity


 5 result(s).
mental sharpnesswit
mental sharpnessapprehension
sharpness, mentalapprehension
sharpness, mentalwit

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Frequently Encountered Words (FEW)...it untrained in any kind of art 2 mental sharpness acumen quickness ingenuity ayl iv i ...

Words Families

 0 result(s).


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