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Search results

Search phrase: snuff


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW I.ii.59‘ After my flame lacks oil, to be the snuffAfter my flame lackes oyle, to be the snuffe
CymbelineCym I.vii.87.1I'th' dungeon by a snuff?I'th'Dungeon by a Snuffe.
HamletHam IV.vii.114A kind of wick or snuff that will abate it,
Henry IV Part 11H4 I.iii.40Took it in snuff. And still he smiled and talked.Tooke it in Snuffe. And still he smil'd and talk'd:
Henry VIIIH8 III.ii.96This candle burns not clear; 'tis I must snuff it,This Candle burnes not cleere, 'tis I must snuffe it,
King LearKL IV.vi.39My snuff and loathed part of nature shouldMy snuffe, and loathed part of Nature should
Love's Labour's LostLLL V.ii.22You'll mar the light by taking it in snuff;You'll marre the light by taking it in snuffe:
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND V.i.243you see, it is already in snuff.you see, it is already in snuffe.


 0 result(s).


 4 result(s).
pouncet-boxsmall box with a perforated lid for holding snuff or perfume
snuffin need of snuffing out; also: in a rage
snuffresentment, huff, pique
snuffsmouldering candle-end, burnt-out wick


 2 result(s).
box for holding snuff or perfumepouncet-box
snuff, box for holding pouncet-box

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 3 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
SNUFFBASICsnuff n, snuff v
SNUFFACTIONscent-snuffing adj


 0 result(s).

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