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Search phrase: solemnly


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry IV Part 11H4 I.iii.225All studies here I solemnly defy,All studies heere I solemnly defie,
Henry VH5 V.chorus.14And solemnly see him set on to London.And solemnly see him set on to London.
Henry VIIIH8 I.ii.165He solemnly had sworn that what he spokeHe sollemnly had sworne, that what he spoke
Henry VIIIH8 IV.ii.83.2Enter, solemnly tripping one after another, sixEnter solemnely tripping one after another, sixe
King Edward IIIE3 III.i.19All but the Scot, who solemnly protests,All but the Scot, who sollemnly protests,
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND IV.i.87And will tomorrow midnight solemnlyAnd will to morrow midnight, solemnly
Richard IIR2 IV.i.318On Wednesday next we solemnly proclaimOn Wednesday next, we solemnly set downe
Richard IIIR3 I.ii.213Where, after I have solemnly interredWhere (after I haue solemnly interr'd


 0 result(s).


 9 result(s).
abjureswear to abandon, solemnly reject
affiancebetroth, engage, promise solemnly
conjureask solemnly, entreat earnestly, beseech
deeplysolemnly, with great seriousness
demurelygently, in a subdued way; or: solemnly
plightedfolded, hidden; also: solemnly pledged
religiouslysolemnly, with all due ceremony
sadlyseriously, gravely, solemnly
solemnlyceremoniously, with ritual celebration


 12 result(s).
ask solemnlyconjure
pledged, solemnlyplighted
promise solemnlyaffiance
reject, solemnlyabjure
solemnly pledgedplighted
solemnly rejectabjure
solemnly, askconjure
solemnly, promiseaffiance

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