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Search results

Search phrase: starting


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym V.v.372That, after this strange starting from your orbs,That after this strange starting from your Orbes,
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.iv.258starting-hole, canst thou now find out, to hide thee fromstarting hole canst thou now find out, to hide thee from
Henry IV Part 22H4 I.i.46Up to the rowel-head; and starting soVp to the Rowell head, and starting so,
King Edward IIIE3 IV.vi.19Dismayed, and distraught; swift-starting fearDismayed, and distraught, swift starting feare
MacbethMac V.i.43my lord, no more o' that. You mar all with this starting.my Lord, no more o'that: you marre all with this star-ting.
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND V.i.342 (starting up)
Troilus and CressidaTC prologue.28Beginning in the middle; starting thence awayBeginning in the middle: starting thence away,
Troilus and CressidaTC IV.v.2Anticipating time. With starting courage,Anticipating time. With starting courage,


 0 result(s).


 6 result(s).
startstarting up, immediate reaction, sudden movement
startingstartle reaction, flinching, recoiling
startingremoval, displacement, breaking away
startingbounding, eager, energetic
starting-holebolt-hole, loophole, evasion
swift-startingquick-spreading, rapidly moving


 1 result(s).
starting upstart

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Discourse markers...scal come your ways come on then - starting a fight have with you cor ii...

Words Families

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