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Search results

Search phrase: strew


 16 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor V.v.3And make triumphant fires; strew flowers before them.And make triumphant fires, strew Flowers before them:
CymbelineCym IV.ii.287These herblets shall, which we upon you strew.These Herbelets shall, which we vpon you strew.
HamletHam IV.v.14'Twere good she were spoken with, for she may strew'Twere good she were spoken with, / For she may strew
Henry VIIIH8 IV.ii.168Let me be used with honour; strew me overLet me be vs'd with Honor; strew me ouer
Julius CaesarJC I.i.50And do you now strew flowers in his way,And do you now strew Flowers in his way,
King Edward IIIE3 II.i.198Ah, lady, I am blunt, and cannot strewAh Lady I am blunt and cannot strawe,
King JohnKJ I.i.216For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising.For it shall strew the footsteps of my rising:
The Merry Wives of WindsorMW V.v.57Strew good luck, ouphes, on every sacred room,Strew good lucke (Ouphes) on euery sacred roome,
PericlesPer IV.i.14To strew thy green with flowers. The yellows, blues,to strowe thy greene with Flowers, the yellowes, blewes,
Richard IIR2 V.ii.47That strew the green lap of the new-come spring?That strew the greene lap of the new-come Spring?
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.12Sweet flower, with flowers thy bridal bed I strewSweet Flower with flowers thy Bridall bed I strew:
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.17Nightly shall be to strew thy grave and weep.Nightly shall be, to strew thy graue, and weepe.
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.36And strew this hungry churchyard with thy limbs.And strew this hungry Churchyard with thy limbs:
Romeo and JulietRJ V.iii.281He came with flowers to strew his lady's grave,He came with flowres to strew his Ladies graue,
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK I.i.16He strews flowersStrew Flowers.
The Winter's TaleWT IV.iv.129.1To strew him o'er and o'er!To strew him o're, and ore.


 0 result(s).


 5 result(s).
bestrewstrew, scatter, sprinkle
lardstrew, deck, cover
strewscatter, broadcast, spread about
strewscatter, be spread over
strowstrew, scatter


 3 result(s).

Themes and Topics

 0 result(s).

Words Families

 9 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
STREWBASICstrew v, strewed adj, strewing n, strewment n
STREWACTIONbestrew v, o'erstraw v


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