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Search results

Search phrase: sucking


 7 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry VH5 II.iv.10As waters to the sucking of a gulf.As Waters to the sucking of a Gulfe.
Henry VI Part 11H6 III.i.199Was in the mouth of every sucking babe:Was in the mouth of euery sucking Babe,
Henry VI Part 22H6 III.i.71As is the sucking lamb or harmless dove.As is the sucking Lambe, or harmelesse Doue:
King Edward IIIE3 II.i.285And not a poison-sucking envious spider,And not a poison sucking enuious spider,
The Merchant of VeniceMV II.i.29Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,Plucke the yong sucking Cubs from the she Beare,
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND I.ii.77that I will roar you as gently as any sucking dove. I will that I will roare you as gently as any sucking Doue; I will
Romeo and JulietRJ II.iii.8We sucking on her natural bosom find,We sucking on her naturall bosome find:


 0 result(s).


 2 result(s).
rabbit-suckersucking rabbit, baby rabbit
suckingunweaned, suckling


 1 result(s).
sucking rabbitrabbit-sucker

Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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