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Search phrase: supple


 6 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CoriolanusCor II.ii.25who, having been supple and courteous to the people,who hauing beene supple and courteous to the People,
Richard IIR2 I.iv.33And had the tribute of his supple knee,And had the tribute of his supple knee,
Romeo and JulietRJ IV.i.102Each part, deprived of supple government,Each part depriu'd of supple gouernment,
Timon of AthensTim I.i.252Aches contract and starve your supple joints!Aches contract, and sterue your supple ioynts:
Troilus and CressidaTC II.iii.219I will knead him; I'll make him supple.I will knede him, Ile make him supple,
Troilus and CressidaTC III.iii.48To show itself but pride; for supple kneesTo show it selfe, but pride: for supple knees,


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