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Search results

Search phrase: traditional


 1 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Richard IIIR3 III.i.45Too ceremonious and traditional.Too ceremonious, and traditionall.


 0 result(s).


 8 result(s).
ColmekillIona, island off the W coast of Scotland; once the traditional burial place for Scottish kings
Corintraditional name given to a love-sick shepherd
CorydonA traditional name for a lovesick shepherd, a usage that can be traced back to Vergil
libertyplays not written according to traditional rules of drama; also: district not subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. more suitable for theatres]
Partlettraditional name for a hen [Pertelote], as in Chaucer's 'Nun's Priest's Tale'
Phillida['filida] traditional name given to a love-sick shepherdess
RIngwoodone of Actaeon's dogs; traditional name of an English hound
writplays written according to traditional rules of drama; also: a district of the city subject to a sheriff's legal order [i.e. less suitable for theatres]


 2 result(s).
plays not written according to traditional rules of dramaliberty
plays written according to traditional rules of dramawrit

Themes and Topics

 4 result(s).
Non-classical legend, romance, and folklore
Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious
London... modern locations are given using the traditional postal codes location exam...
Britain [outside London]...nd off the w coast of scotland once the traditional burial place for scottish kings ...

Words Families

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