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Search results

Search phrase: unequal


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Antony and CleopatraAC II.v.101Seems much unequal. He's married to Octavia.Seemes much vnequall, he's married to Octauia.
HamletHam II.ii.469Repugnant to command. Unequal matched,Repugnant to command: vnequall match,
Henry IV Part 22H4 IV.i.100To lay a heavy and unequal handTo lay a heauie and vnequall Hand vpon our Honors?
Henry VI Part 11H6 V.v.34A poor earl's daughter is unequal odds,A poore Earles daughter is vnequall oddes,
Henry VI Part 33H6 III.ii.159To shape my legs of an unequal size;To shape my Legges of an vnequall size,


 0 result(s).


 2 result(s).
overpartedunequal to the part, having too difficult a part to play
unequalunjust, unfair, undeserved


 1 result(s).
unequal to the partoverparted

Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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