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Search results

Search phrase: yard


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
HamletHam III.iv.209But I will delve one yard below their mines
Henry IV Part 11H4 II.iv.242breath to utter what is like thee! You tailor's-yard, youbreth to vtter. What is like thee? You Tailors yard, you
Henry VH5 III.ii.61four yard under the countermines. By Cheshu, Ifoure yard vnder the Countermines: by Cheshu, I
King LearKL IV.vi.88crow-keeper. – Draw me a clothier's yard. – Look, look, aCrow-keeper: draw mee a Cloathiers yard. Looke, looke, a
Love's Labour's LostLLL V.ii.666 He may not by the yard.He may not by the yard.
Romeo and JulietRJ I.ii.40yard and the tailor with his last, the fisher with his pencilYard, and the Tayler with his Last, the Fisher with his Pensill,
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.iii.107Thou yard, three-quarters, half-yard, quarter, nail,Thou yard three quarters, halfe yard, quarter, naile,
The Taming of the ShrewTS IV.iii.111Or I shall so bemete thee with thy yardOr I shall so be-mete thee with thy yard,


 0 result(s).


 8 result(s).
closeenclosure, yard
clothier's yardyard [36 inches / c.90 cm] by which clothiers measured their cloth
mete-yardmeasuring rod, yardstick
nail[measure of cloth] sixteenth of a yard [c.6 cm]
tailor's-yardyard measure
tilt-yardtournament ground
yardcrossbar on a mast which supports a sail
yardyard measure


 7 result(s).
measure, yardtailor's-yard
measure, yardyard
measure, yardclothier's yard
yard measureclothier's yard
yard measuretailor's-yard
yard measureyard

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Ships... ship or middle of the upper deck yard tem i ii 200 crossbar on a mast which ...

Words Families

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