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Search phrase: zodiac


 1 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Titus AndronicusTit II.i.7Gallops the zodiac in his glistering coachGallops the Zodiacke in his glistering Coach,


 0 result(s).


 9 result(s).
Aries[pron: 'aireez] Ram [first sign of the zodiac]
BullTaurus, the second sign of the zodiac, associated with cuckoldry, and also the neck and throat
Cancerfourth sign of the zodiac, associated with heat
house[astrology] heavenly domain [one of twelve divisions of the zodiac]
TaurusBull [second sign of the zodiac, associated with cuckoldry]
trigontriangle of the zodiac
VirgoVirgin [sixth sign of the zodiac, associated with Astraea, goddess of justice]
zodiacyear, calendar course of the zodiac
zodiacbelt of the celestial sphere within which the sun, moon, and planets appear to move, divided into twelve equal domains [signs] named after constellations


 11 result(s).
signs of the zodiaczodiac
triangle of the zodiactrigon
zodiac calendar coursezodiac
zodiac, triangle of the trigon

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Cosmos... constellations especially those in the zodiac trigon 2h4 ii iv 260 a se...
...ii iv 260 a set of three signs of the zodiac in the form of an equilateral triangle ...
...pecific stars domains and signs of the zodiac term example gloss ...
...tit iv iii 71 (ram) first sign of the zodiac bear oth ii i 14 the little...
...r tc ii iii 194 fourth sign of the zodiac associated with heat charles’s...
... 8 one of the twelve divisions of the zodiac mars aw i i 189 planet pa...
...n i iii 130 (bull) second sign of the zodiac associated with cuckoldry (through the ...
... iv iii 65 (virgin) sixth sign of the zodiac associated with astraea goddess of jus...

Words Families

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