
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Malcolme and Macduffe.Enter Malcolm and Macduff Mac IV.iii.1
Let vs seeke out some desolate shade,Let us seek out some desolate shade, and there Mac IV.iii.1
& there / Weepe our sad bosomes empty.Weep our sad bosoms empty.sad (adj.)
downcast, distressed, mournful, gloomy
Mac IV.iii.2.1
Let vs ratherLet us rather Mac IV.iii.2.2
Hold fast the mortall Sword: and like good men,Hold fast the mortal sword; and like good menmortal (adj.)

old form: mortall
fatal, deadly, lethal
Mac IV.iii.3
Bestride our downfall Birthdome: each new Morne,Bestride our down-fallen birthdom. Each new mornmorn (n.)

old form: Morne
morning, dawn
Mac IV.iii.4
birthdom (n.)

old form: Birthdome
kingdom of birth, birthright, native land
downfall, down-fall (adj.)
bestride (v.)
stand over, protect, safeguard
New Widdowes howle, new Orphans cry, new sorowesNew widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows Mac IV.iii.5
Strike heauen on the face, that it resoundsStrike heaven on the face, that it resounds Mac IV.iii.6
As if it felt with Scotland, and yell'd outAs if it felt with Scotland, and yelled out Mac IV.iii.7
Like Syllable of Dolour.Like syllable of (adj.)
same, similar, alike, equal
Mac IV.iii.8.1
dolour (n.)
sorrow, grief, lamentation
What I beleeue, Ile waile;What I believe, I'll wail; Mac IV.iii.8.2
What know, beleeue; and what I can redresse,What know, believe; and what I can redress, Mac IV.iii.9
As I shall finde the time to friend: I wil.As I shall find the time to friend, I will.friend, to
as a friend, friendly
Mac IV.iii.10
What you haue spoke, it may be so perchance.What you have spoke, it may be so perchance.perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
Mac IV.iii.11
This Tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,This tyrant, whose sole name blisters our tongues,sole (adj.)
mere, simple, alone
Mac IV.iii.12
Was once thought honest: you haue lou'd him well,Was once thought honest; you have loved him well; Mac IV.iii.13
He hath not touch'd you yet. I am yong, but somethingHe hath not touched you yet. I am young; but something Mac IV.iii.14
You may discerne of him through me, and wisedomeYou may deserve of him, through me; and wisdom Mac IV.iii.15
To offer vp a weake, poore innocent LambeTo offer up a weak poor innocent lamb Mac IV.iii.16
T' appease an angry God.T' appease an angry god. Mac IV.iii.17
I am not treacherous.I am not treacherous. Mac IV.iii.18.1
But Macbeth is.But Macbeth is. Mac IV.iii.18.2
A good and vertuous Nature may recoyleA good and virtuous nature may recoilrecoil (v.)

old form: recoyle
fall away, degenerate, give way
Mac IV.iii.19
In an Imperiall charge. But I shall craue your pardon:In an imperial charge. But I shall crave your pardon:crave (v.)

old form: craue
beg, entreat, request
Mac IV.iii.20
charge (n.)
command, order, injunction, instruction
That which you are, my thoughts cannot transpose;That which you are my thoughts cannot transpose;transpose (v.)
change, transform, alter
Mac IV.iii.21
Angels are bright still, though the brightest fell.Angels are bright still though the brightest fell. Mac IV.iii.22
Though all things foule, would wear the brows of graceThough all things foul would wear the brows of grace,brow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance
Mac IV.iii.23
Yet Grace must still looke so.Yet grace must still look so.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
Mac IV.iii.24.1
I haue lost my Hopes.I have lost my hopes. Mac IV.iii.24.2
Perchance euen there / Where I did finde my doubts.Perchance even there where I did find my doubts.perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
Mac IV.iii.25
Why in that rawnesse left you Wife, and Childe?Why in that rawness left you wife and child,rawness (n.)

old form: rawnesse
unprotected state, vulnerable situation
Mac IV.iii.26
Those precious Motiues, those strong knots of Loue,Those precious motives, those strong knots of love,motive (n.)

old form: Motiues
inspiration, incentive, mover
Mac IV.iii.27
Without leaue-taking. I pray you,Without leave-taking? I pray you, Mac IV.iii.28
Let not my Iealousies, be your Dishonors,Let not my jealousies be your dishonoursjealousy (n.)

old form: Iealousies
suspicion, mistrust, apprehension
Mac IV.iii.29
But mine owne Safeties: you may be rightly iust,But mine own safeties. You may be rightly just, Mac IV.iii.30
What euer I shall thinke.Whatever I shall think. Mac IV.iii.31.1
Bleed, bleed poore Country,Bleed, bleed, poor country! Mac IV.iii.31.2
Great Tyrrany, lay thou thy basis sure,Great tyranny, lay thou thy basis sure, Mac IV.iii.32
For goodnesse dare not check thee: wear y thy wrongs,For goodness dare not check thee; wear thou thy wrongs,wear (v.)
possess, enjoy, have
Mac IV.iii.33
wrong (n.)
wrong-doing, wrongful gain, unjust claim
The Title, is affear'd. Far thee well Lord,The title is affeered. Fare thee well, lord!fare ... well (int.)

old form: Far
goodbye [to an individual]
Mac IV.iii.34
affeered (adj.)

old form: affear'd
[legal] assured, confirmed, settled
I would not be the Villaine that thou think'st,I would not be the villain that thou think'st Mac IV.iii.35
For the whole Space that's in the Tyrants Graspe,For the whole space that's in the tyrant's grasp, Mac IV.iii.36
And the rich East to boot.And the rich East to boot.boot, to
in addition, as well
Mac IV.iii.37.1
Be not offended:Be not offended; Mac IV.iii.37.2
I speake not as in absolute feare of you:I speak not as in absolute fear of you. Mac IV.iii.38
I thinke our Country sinkes beneath the yoake,I think our country sinks beneath the yoke, Mac IV.iii.39
It weepes, it bleeds, and each new day a gashIt weeps, it bleeds, and each new day a gash Mac IV.iii.40
Is added to her wounds. I thinke withall,Is added to her wounds. I think withal Mac IV.iii.41
There would be hands vplifted in my right:There would be hands uplifted in my right; Mac IV.iii.42
And heere from gracious England haue I offerAnd here from gracious England have I offer Mac IV.iii.43
Of goodly thousands. But for all this,Of goodly thousands. But for all this, Mac IV.iii.44
When I shall treade vpon the Tyrants head,When I shall tread upon the tyrant's head Mac IV.iii.45
Or weare it on my Sword; yet my poore CountryOr wear it on my sword, yet my poor country Mac IV.iii.46
Shall haue more vices then it had before,Shall have more vices than it had before, Mac IV.iii.47
More suffer, and more sundry wayes then euer,More suffer, and more sundry ways, than ever, Mac IV.iii.48
By him that shall succeede.By him that shall succeed. Mac IV.iii.49.1
What should he be?What should he be? Mac IV.iii.49.2
It is my selfe I meane: in whom I knowIt is myself I mean; in whom I know Mac IV.iii.50
All the particulars of Vice so grafted,All the particulars of vice so grafted Mac IV.iii.51
That when they shall be open'd, blacke MacbethThat, when they shall be opened, black Macbeth Mac IV.iii.52
Will seeme as pure as Snow, and the poore StateWill seem as pure as snow and the poor state Mac IV.iii.53
Esteeme him as a Lambe, being compar'dEsteem him as a lamb, being compared Mac IV.iii.54
With my confinelesse harmes.With my confineless harms.harm (n.)

old form: harmes
injury, hurt, pain
Mac IV.iii.55.1
confineless (adj.)

old form: confinelesse
boundless, unlimited, endless
Not in the LegionsNot in the legions Mac IV.iii.55.2
Of horrid Hell, can come a Diuell more damn'dOf horrid hell can come a devil more damned Mac IV.iii.56
In euils, to top Macbeth.In evils to top (v.)
surpass, exceed, outstrip
Mac IV.iii.57.1
I grant him Bloody,I grant him bloody, Mac IV.iii.57.2
Luxurious, Auaricious, False, Deceitfull,Luxurious, avaricious, false, deceitful,luxurious (adj.)
lustful, lecherous, lascivious
Mac IV.iii.58
false (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Sodaine, Malicious, smacking of euery sinneSudden, malicious, smacking of every sinsudden (adj.)

old form: Sodaine
unpredictable, prone to sudden violence
Mac IV.iii.59
That ha's a name. But there's no bottome, noneThat has a name. But there's no bottom, none, Mac IV.iii.60
In my Voluptuousnesse: Your Wiues, your Daughters,In my voluptuousness. Your wives, your daughters, Mac IV.iii.61
Your Matrons, and your Maides, could not fill vpYour matrons and your maids, could not fill up Mac IV.iii.62
The Cesterne of my Lust, and my DesireThe cistern of my lust; and my desirecestern, cesterne (n.)
variant spelling of ‘cistern’ [= water receptacle, vessel, reservoir]
Mac IV.iii.63
All continent Impediments would ore-beareAll continent impediments would o'erbearoverbear (v.)

old form: ore-beare
overwhelm, overcome, overpower
Mac IV.iii.64
continent (adj.)
self-restraining. self-controlled, discreet
That did oppose my will. Better Macbeth,That did oppose my will. Better Macbethwill (n.)
lust, sexual desire, passion
Mac IV.iii.65
Then such an one to reigne.Than such a one to reign. Mac IV.iii.66.1
Boundlesse intemperanceBoundless intemperance Mac IV.iii.66.2
In Nature is a Tyranny: It hath beeneIn nature is a tyranny. It hath beennature (n.)
human nature
Mac IV.iii.67
Th' vntimely emptying of the happy Throne,The untimely emptying of the happy throne, Mac IV.iii.68
And fall of many Kings. But feare not yetAnd fall of many kings. But fear not yet Mac IV.iii.69
To take vpon you what is yours: you mayTo take upon you what is yours. You may Mac IV.iii.70
Conuey your pleasures in a spacious plenty,Convey your pleasures in a spacious plentyconvey (v.)

old form: Conuey
manage, conduct, carry on [in secrecy]
Mac IV.iii.71
And yet seeme cold. The time you may so hoodwinke:And yet seem cold; the time you may so hoodwink.time (n.)
(the) world, (the) age, society
Mac IV.iii.72
hoodwink (v.)

old form: hoodwinke
deceive, delude
We haue willing Dames enough: there cannot beWe have willing dames enough. There cannot be Mac IV.iii.73
That Vulture in you, to deuoure so manyThat vulture in you to devour so many Mac IV.iii.74
As will to Greatnesse dedicate themselues,As will to greatness dedicate themselves, Mac IV.iii.75
Finding it so inclinde.Finding it so inclined. Mac IV.iii.76.1
With this, there growesWith this there grows Mac IV.iii.76.2
In my most ill-composd Affection, suchIn my most ill-composed affection suchill-composed (adj.)

old form: ill-compos'd
made up of wicked elements
Mac IV.iii.77
affection (n.)
disposition, character, state of mind
A stanchlesse Auarice, that were I King,A staunchless avarice that, were I king,stanchless, staunchless (adj.)

old form: stanchlesse
unquenchable, insatiable, incapable of being satisfied
Mac IV.iii.78
I should cut off the Nobles for their Lands,I should cut off the nobles for their lands, Mac IV.iii.79
Desire his Iewels, and this others House,Desire his jewels and this other's house, Mac IV.iii.80
And my more-hauing, would be as a SawceAnd my more-having would be as a saucemore-having (n.)

old form: more-hauing
having more, amassing, acquiring
Mac IV.iii.81
To make me hunger more, that I should forgeTo make me hunger more, that I should forge Mac IV.iii.82
Quarrels vniust against the Good and Loyall,Quarrels unjust against the good and loyal, Mac IV.iii.83
Destroying them for wealth.Destroying them for wealth. Mac IV.iii.84.1
This AuariceThis avarice Mac IV.iii.84.2
stickes deeper: growes with more pernicious rooteSticks deeper, grows with more pernicious rootstick (v.)

old form: stickes
pierce, stab, wound
Mac IV.iii.85
Then Summer-seeming Lust: and it hath binThan summer-seeming lust; and it hath beensummer-seeming (adj.)
befitting the summer-time [of life: early manhood]
Mac IV.iii.86
The Sword of our slaine Kings: yet do not feare,The sword of our slain kings. Yet do not fear: Mac IV.iii.87
Scotland hath Foysons, to fill vp your willScotland hath foisons to fill up your willwill (n.)
desire, wish, liking, inclination
Mac IV.iii.88
foison, foizon (n.)

old form: Foysons
[pron: 'foyzn] abundance, plenty, profusion
Of your meere Owne. All these are portable,Of your mere own. All these are portable,portable (adj.)
bearable, supportable, endurable
Mac IV.iii.89
mere (adj.)
sole, personal, particular
With other Graces weigh'd.With other graces weighed.weigh (v.)

old form: weigh'd
balance [as in scales], poise, match
Mac IV.iii.90.1
But I haue none.But I have none. Mac IV.iii.90.2
The King-becoming Graces,The king-becoming graces, Mac IV.iii.91
As Iustice, Verity, Temp'rance, Stablenesse,As justice, verity, temperance, stableness,stableness (n.)

old form: Stablenesse
Mac IV.iii.92
verity (n.)
truth, truthfulness, veracity
Bounty, Perseuerance, Mercy, Lowlinesse,Bounty, perseverance, mercy, lowliness, Mac IV.iii.93
Deuotion, Patience, Courage, Fortitude,Devotion, patience, courage, fortitude, Mac IV.iii.94
I haue no rellish of them, but aboundI have no relish of them, but aboundrelish (n.)

old form: rellish
trace, suggestion, hint
Mac IV.iii.95
In the diuision of each seuerall Crime,In the division of each several crime,several (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
Mac IV.iii.96
division (n.)

old form: diuision
[music] variation, modulation
Acting it many wayes. Nay, had I powre, I shouldActing it many ways. Nay, had I power, I should Mac IV.iii.97
Poure the sweet Milke of Concord, into Hell,Pour the sweet milk of concord into hell, Mac IV.iii.98
Vprore the vniuersall peace, confoundUproar the universal peace, confounduproar (v.)

old form: Vprore
throw into turmoil, reduce to confusion
Mac IV.iii.99
All vnity on earth.All unity on earth. Mac IV.iii.100.1
O Scotland, Scotland.O Scotland, Scotland! Mac IV.iii.100.2
If such a one be fit to gouerne, speake:If such a one be fit to govern, speak. Mac IV.iii.101
I am as I haue spoken.I am as I have spoken. Mac IV.iii.102.1
Fit to gouern?Fit to govern! Mac IV.iii.102.2
No not to liue. O Natiõ miserable!No, not to live! O nation miserable, Mac IV.iii.103
With an vntitled Tyrant, bloody Sceptred,With an untitled tyrant, bloody-sceptred,untitled (adj.)

old form: vntitled
with no right to rule, illegal
Mac IV.iii.104
When shalt thou see thy wholsome dayes againe?When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again,wholesome (adj.)

old form: wholsome
sound, firm, in good condition
Mac IV.iii.105
Since that the truest Issue of thy ThroneSince that the truest issue of thy thronesince that (conj.)
since, as
Mac IV.iii.106
issue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
By his owne Interdiction stands accust,By his own interdiction stands accusedinterdiction (n.)
prohibition, debarring, forbidding
Mac IV.iii.107
And do's blaspheme his breed? Thy Royall FatherAnd does blaspheme his breed? Thy royal fatherbreed (n.)
lineage, inheritance, stock
Mac IV.iii.108
blaspheme (v.)
slander, defame, defile
Was a most Sainted-King: the Queene that bore thee,Was a most sainted king; the queen that bore thee,sainted (adj.)
saintly, angelic, of holy character
Mac IV.iii.109
Oftner vpon her knees, then on her feet,Oftener upon her knees than on her feet, Mac IV.iii.110
Dy'de euery day she liu'd. Fare thee well,Died every day she lived. Fare thee well!fare ... well (int.)
goodbye [to an individual]
Mac IV.iii.111
die (v.)

old form: Dy'de
suffer pain, go through agony
These Euils thou repeat'st vpon thy selfe,These evils thou repeat'st upon thyself Mac IV.iii.112
Hath banish'd me from Scotland. O my Brest,Have banished me from Scotland. O my breast,breast (n.)

old form: Brest
Mac IV.iii.113
Thy hope ends heere.Thy hope ends here! Mac IV.iii.114.1
Macduff, this Noble passionMacduff, this noble passion,passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
Mac IV.iii.114.2
Childe of integrity, hath from my souleChild of integrity, hath from my soul Mac IV.iii.115
Wip'd the blacke Scruples, reconcil'd my thoughtsWiped the black scruples, reconciled my thoughtsscruple (n.)
suspicion, misgiving, doubt
Mac IV.iii.116
To thy good Truth, and Honor. Diuellish Macbeth,To thy good truth and honour. Devilish Macbeth Mac IV.iii.117
By many of these traines, hath sought to win meBy many of these trains hath sought to win metrain (n.)

old form: traines
stratagem, wile, lure
Mac IV.iii.118
Into his power: and modest Wisedome pluckes meInto his power, and modest wisdom plucks me Mac IV.iii.119
From ouer-credulous hast: but God aboueFrom overcredulous haste. But God above Mac IV.iii.120
Deale betweene thee and me; For euen nowDeal between thee and me; for even now Mac IV.iii.121
I put my selfe to thy Direction, andI put myself to thy direction, and Mac IV.iii.122
Vnspeake mine owne detraction. Heere abiureUnspeak mine own detraction, here abjureunspeak (v.)

old form: Vnspeake
retract, renounce, take back
Mac IV.iii.123
The taints, and blames I laide vpon my selfe,The taints and blames I laid upon myselftaint (n.)
fault, blemish, flaw
Mac IV.iii.124
For strangers to my Nature. I am yetFor strangers to my nature. I am yet Mac IV.iii.125
Vnknowne to Woman, neuer was forsworne,Unknown to woman, never was forsworn,forswear (v), past forms forsworn, forswore

old form: forsworne
swear falsely, perjure [oneself], break one's word
Mac IV.iii.126
unknown (adj.)

old form: Vnknowne
not having had sexual intercourse [with]
Scarsely haue coueted what was mine owne.Scarcely have coveted what was mine own, Mac IV.iii.127
At no time broke my Faith, would not betrayAt no time broke my faith, would not betray Mac IV.iii.128
The Deuill to his Fellow, and delightThe devil to his fellow, and delight Mac IV.iii.129
No lesse in truth then life. My first false speakingNo less in truth than life. My first false speakingfalse (adj.)
treacherous, traitorous, perfidious
Mac IV.iii.130
Was this vpon my selfe. What I am trulyWas this upon myself. What I am trulyupon (prep.)

old form: vpon
Mac IV.iii.131
Is thine, and my poore Countries to command:Is thine and my poor country's to command; Mac IV.iii.132
Whither indeed, before they heere approachWhither indeed, before thy here-approach,here-approach (n.)

old form: heere approach
arrival here
Mac IV.iii.133
Old Seyward with ten thousand warlike menOld Seyward with ten thousand warlike men, Mac IV.iii.134
Already at a point, was setting foorth:Already at a point, was setting forth.point, at / at a
in readiness, prepared, armed
Mac IV.iii.135
Now wee'l together, and the chance of goodnesseNow we'll together; and the chance of goodnessgoodness (n.)

old form: goodnesse
benefit, advantage, successful outcome
Mac IV.iii.136
Be like our warranted Quarrell. Why are you silent?Be like our warranted quarrel! Why are you silent?warranted (adj.)
justified, legitimate, rightful
Mac IV.iii.137
quarrel (n.)

old form: Quarrell
cause of complaint, reason for hostility, difference, claim
Such welcome, and vnwelcom things at onceSuch welcome and unwelcome things at once Mac IV.iii.138
'Tis hard to reconcile.'Tis hard to reconcile. Mac IV.iii.139.1
Enter a Doctor.Enter a Doctor Mac IV.iii.139
Well, more anon.Well, more anon. –anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
Mac IV.iii.139.2
Comes the King forth / I pray you?Comes the King forth, I pray you? Mac IV.iii.140
I Sir: there are a crew of wretched SoulesAy, sir. There are a crew of wretched souls Mac IV.iii.141
That stay his Cure: their malady conuincesThat stay his cure. Their malady convincesstay (v.)
wait (for), await
Mac IV.iii.142
convince (v.)

old form: conuinces
defeat, overcome, overpower
The great assay of Art. But at his touch,The great assay of art; but at his touch,assay (n.)
effort, attempt
Mac IV.iii.143
art (n.)
knowledge, learning, scholarship, science
Such sanctity hath Heauen giuen his hand,Such sanctity hath heaven given his hand, Mac IV.iii.144
They presently amend. Exit.They presently amend.amend (v.)
get better, recover, revive, heal
Mac IV.iii.145.1
presently (adv.)
immediately, instantly, at once
I thanke you Doctor.I thank you, doctor. Mac IV.iii.145.2
Exit Doctor Mac IV.iii.145
What's the Disease he meanes?What's the disease he means? Mac IV.iii.146.1
Tis call'd the Euill.'Tis called the EvilEvil, the
the king's evil, scrofula [a lymphatic disease]
Mac IV.iii.146.2
A most myraculous worke in this good King,A most miraculous work in this good king, Mac IV.iii.147
Which often since my heere remaine in England,Which often since my here-remain in Englandhere-remain (n.)

old form: heere remaine
stay, visit, sojourn
Mac IV.iii.148
I haue seene him do: How he solicites heauenI have seen him do. How he solicits heavensolicit (v.)

old form: solicites
urge, move, incite, prevail upon
Mac IV.iii.149
Himselfe best knowes: but strangely visited peopleHimself best knows: but strangely visited people,strangely (adv.)
very greatly, extremely
Mac IV.iii.150
All swolne and Vlcerous, pittifull to the eye,All swollen and ulcerous, pitiful to the eye, Mac IV.iii.151
The meere dispaire of Surgery, he cures,The mere despair of surgery, he cures,mere (adj.)
complete, total, absolute, utter
Mac IV.iii.152
Hanging a golden stampe about their neckes,Hanging a golden stamp about their necksstamp (n.)

old form: stampe
coin, impression [of the monarch's head] made on a coin
Mac IV.iii.153
Put on with holy Prayers, and 'tis spokenPut on with holy prayers; and 'tis spoken, Mac IV.iii.154
To the succeeding Royalty he leauesTo the succeeding royalty he leaves Mac IV.iii.155
The healing Benediction. With this strange vertue,The healing benediction. With this strange virtuevirtue (n.)

old form: vertue
power, capability, efficacy, property
Mac IV.iii.156
He hath a heauenly guift of Prophesie,He hath a heavenly gift of prophecy, Mac IV.iii.157
And sundry Blessings hang about his Throne,And sundry blessings hang about his throne Mac IV.iii.158
That speake him full of Grace.That speak him full of grace.speak (v.)
proclaim, show, reveal
Mac IV.iii.159.1
Enter Rosse.Enter Ross Mac IV.iii.159
See who comes heere.See who comes here. Mac IV.iii.159.2
My Countryman: but yet I know him not.My countryman; but yet I know him not. Mac IV.iii.160
My euer gentle Cozen, welcome hither.My ever gentle cousin, welcome hither.gentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
Mac IV.iii.161
I know him now. Good God betimes remoueI know him now. Good God betimes removebetimes (adv.)
speedily, soon, in a short time
Mac IV.iii.162
The meanes that makes vs Strangers.The means that makes us strangers! Mac IV.iii.163.1
Sir, Amen.Sir, amen. Mac IV.iii.163.2
Stands Scotland where it did?Stands Scotland where it did? Mac IV.iii.164.1
Alas poore Countrey,Alas, poor country, Mac IV.iii.164.2
Almost affraid to know it selfe. It cannotAlmost afraid to know itself! It cannot Mac IV.iii.165
Be call'd our Mother, but our Graue; where nothingBe called our mother, but our grave; where nothing Mac IV.iii.166
But who knowes nothing, is once seene to smile:But who knows nothing is once seen to smile; Mac IV.iii.167
Where sighes, and groanes, and shrieks that rent the ayre Where sighs and groans and shrieks that rent the airrent (v.)
rend, tear, pull to pieces
Mac IV.iii.168
Are made, not mark'd: Where violent sorrow seemes Are made, not marked; where violent sorrow seemsmark (v.)

old form: mark'd
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
Mac IV.iii.169
A Moderne extasie: The Deadmans knell,A modern ecstasy. The dead man's knellecstasy (n.)

old form: extasie
emotion, state of mind, feeling
Mac IV.iii.170
modern (adj.)

old form: Moderne
ordinary, trite, commonplace, everyday
Is there scarse ask'd for who, and good mens liuesIs there scarce asked for who, and good men's lives Mac IV.iii.171
Expire before the Flowers in their Caps,Expire before the flowers in their caps, Mac IV.iii.172
Dying, or ere they sicken.Dying or ere they sicken. Mac IV.iii.173.1
Oh Relation;O relationrelation (n.)
report, account, narration
Mac IV.iii.173.2
too nice, and yet too true.Too nice and yet too true.nice (adj.)
minutely detailed, carefully accurate
Mac IV.iii.174.1
What's the newest griefe?What's the newest grief?grief (n.)
pain, torment, distress
Mac IV.iii.174.2
That of an houres age, doth hisse the speaker,That of an hour's age doth hiss the speaker; Mac IV.iii.175
Each minute teemes a new one.Each minute teems a new one.teem (v.)

old form: teemes
produce, bring forth
Mac IV.iii.176.1
How do's my Wife?How does my wife? Mac IV.iii.176.2
Why well.Why, well. Mac IV.iii.177.1
And all my Children?And all my children? Mac IV.iii.177.2
Well too.Well too. Mac IV.iii.177.3
The Tyrant ha's not batter'd at their peace?The tyrant has not battered at their peace? Mac IV.iii.178
No, they were wel at peace, when I did leaue 'emNo. They were well at peace when I did leave 'em. Mac IV.iii.179
Be not a niggard of your speech: How gos't?Be not a niggard of your speech. How goes't?niggard (n.)
miser, mean person, skinflint
Mac IV.iii.180
When I came hither to transport the TydingsWhen I came hither to transport the tidings Mac IV.iii.181
Which I haue heauily borne, there ran a RumourWhich I have heavily borne, there ran a rumourheavily (adv.)

old form: heauily
sorrowfully, sadly, gloomily
Mac IV.iii.182
Of many worthy Fellowes, that were out,Of many worthy fellows that were out,out (adv.)
in arms, in rebellion
Mac IV.iii.183
Which was to my beleefe witnest the rather,Which was to my belief witnessed the rather Mac IV.iii.184
For that I saw the Tyrants Power a-foot.For that I saw the tyrant's power afoot. Mac IV.iii.185
Now is the time of helpe: your eye in ScotlandNow is the time of help. (To Malcolm) Your eye in Scotlandeye (n.)
supervision, appearance, presence
Mac IV.iii.186
Would create Soldiours, make our women fight,Would create soldiers, make our women fight Mac IV.iii.187
To doffe their dire distresses.To doff their dire distresses.doff (v.)

old form: doffe
throw off, get rid of, do away with
Mac IV.iii.188.1
Bee't their comfortBe't their comfort Mac IV.iii.188.2
We are comming thither: Gracious England hathWe are coming thither. Gracious England hath Mac IV.iii.189
Lent vs good Seyward, and ten thousand men,Lent us good Seyward and ten thousand men – Mac IV.iii.190
An older, and a better Souldier, noneAn older and a better soldier none Mac IV.iii.191
That Christendome giues out.That Christendom gives out.give out (v.)

old form: giues
proclaim, announce, herald
Mac IV.iii.192.1
Would I could answerWould I could answer Mac IV.iii.192.2
This comfort with the like. But I haue wordsThis comfort with the like. But I have wordslike, the
the same
Mac IV.iii.193
That would be howl'd out in the desert ayre,That would be howled out in the desert air, Mac IV.iii.194
Where hearing should not latch them.Where hearing should not latch them.latch (v.)
catch, receive, take hold of
Mac IV.iii.195.1
What concerne they,What concern they? Mac IV.iii.195.2
The generall cause, or is it a Fee-griefeThe general cause, or is it a fee-grieffee-grief (n.)

old form: Fee-griefe
individual sorrow, personal distress
Mac IV.iii.196
Due to some single brest?Due to some single breast? Mac IV.iii.197.1
No minde that's honestNo mind that's honest Mac IV.iii.197.2
But in it shares some woe, though the maine partBut in it shares some woe, though the main part Mac IV.iii.198
Pertaines to you alone.Pertains to you alone. Mac IV.iii.199.1
If it be mineIf it be mine, Mac IV.iii.199.2
Keepe it not from me, quickly let me haue it.Keep it not from me; quickly let me have it. Mac IV.iii.200
Let not your eares dispise my tongue for euer,Let not your ears despise my tongue for ever, Mac IV.iii.201
Which shall possesse them with the heauiest soundWhich shall possess them with the heaviest soundpossess (v.)

old form: possesse
notify, inform, acquaint
Mac IV.iii.202
heavy (adj.)

old form: heauiest
sorrowful, sad, gloomy
that euer yet they heard.That ever yet they heard. Mac IV.iii.203.1
Humh: I guesse at it.Hum! I guess at it. Mac IV.iii.203.2
Your Castle is surpriz'd: your Wife, and BabesYour castle is surprised, your wife and babes Mac IV.iii.204
Sauagely slaughter'd: To relate the mannerSavagely slaughtered. To relate the manner Mac IV.iii.205
Were on the Quarry of these murther'd DeereWere on the quarry of these murdered deerquarry (n.)
[in hunting] heap of dead, pile of bodies
Mac IV.iii.206
To adde the death of you.To add the death of you. Mac IV.iii.207.1
Mercifull Heauen:Merciful heaven! Mac IV.iii.207.2
What man, ne're pull your hat vpon your browes:What, man! Ne'er pull your hat upon your brows.brow (n.)

old form: browes
forehead [often plural, referring to the two prominences of the forehead]
Mac IV.iii.208
Giue sorrow words; the griefe that do's not speake,Give sorrow words: the grief that does not speak Mac IV.iii.209
Whispers the o're-fraught heart, and bids it breake.Whispers the o'erfraught heart and bids it break.overfraught (adj.)

old form: o're-fraught
too heavily laden, overburdened
Mac IV.iii.210
My Children too?My children too? Mac IV.iii.211.1
Wife, Children, Seruants, allWife, children, servants, all Mac IV.iii.211.2
that could be found.That could be found. Mac IV.iii.212.1
And I must be from thence?And I must be from thence! Mac IV.iii.212.2
My wife kil'd too?My wife killed too? Mac IV.iii.213.1
I haue said.I have said. Mac IV.iii.213.2
Be comforted.Be comforted. Mac IV.iii.213.3
Let's make vs Med'cines of our great Reuenge,Let's make us medicines of our great revenge Mac IV.iii.214
To cure this deadly greefe.To cure this deadly grief.deadly (adj.)
deathly, death-like
Mac IV.iii.215.1
He ha's no Children.He has no children. Mac IV.iii.215.2
All my pretty ones? / Did you say All?All my pretty ones? Did you say all?  Mac IV.iii.216
Oh Hell-Kite! All? / What, All my pretty Chickens,O hell-kite! All? What, all my pretty chickenschicken (n.)
child, little one
Mac IV.iii.217
hell-kite (n.)
kite from hell, hellish savage
and their Damme / At one fell swoope?And their dam, at one fell swoop? Mac IV.iii.218
Dispute it like a man.Dispute it like a man.dispute (v.)
deal with, handle, struggle against
Mac IV.iii.219.1
I shall do so:I shall do so; Mac IV.iii.219.2
But I must also feele it as a man;But I must also feel it as a man. Mac IV.iii.220
I cannot but remember such things wereI cannot but remember such things were Mac IV.iii.221
That were most precious to me: Did heauen looke on,That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on Mac IV.iii.222
And would not take their part? Sinfull Macduff,And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff! Mac IV.iii.223
They were all strooke for thee: Naught that I am,They were all struck for thee. Naught that I am,naught, nought (adj.)
bad, wicked, sinful
Mac IV.iii.224
Not for their owne demerits, but for mineNot for their own demerits, but for mine, Mac IV.iii.225
Fell slaughter on their soules: Heauen rest them now.Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now! Mac IV.iii.226
Be this the Whetstone of your sword, let griefeBe this the whetstone of your sword; let grief Mac IV.iii.227
Conuert to anger: blunt not the heart, enrage it.Convert to anger; blunt not the heart, enrage it.convert (v.)

old form: Conuert
change, transform, alter
Mac IV.iii.228
O I could play the woman with mine eyes,O, I could play the woman with mine eyes Mac IV.iii.229
And Braggart with my tongue. But gentle Heauens,And braggart with my tongue! But, gentle heavens,gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
Mac IV.iii.230
Cut short all intermission: Front to Front,Cut short all intermission. Front to frontintermission (n.)
interval of time, delay, interruption
Mac IV.iii.231
Bring thou this Fiend of Scotland, and my selfeBring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself. Mac IV.iii.232
Within my Swords length set him, if he scapeWithin my sword's length set him; if he scape,scape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
Mac IV.iii.233
Heauen forgiue him too.Heaven forgive him too. Mac IV.iii.234.1
This time goes manly:This tune goes manly. Mac IV.iii.234.2
Come go we to the King, our Power is ready,Come, go we to the King; our power is ready;power (n.)
armed force, troops, host, army
Mac IV.iii.235
Our lacke is nothing but our leaue. MacbethOur lack is nothing but our leave. Macbethleave (n.)

old form: leaue
leave-taking, permission to depart
Mac IV.iii.236
Is ripe for shaking, and the Powres aboueIs ripe for shaking, and the powers abovepower (n.)

old form: Powres
(usually plural) god, deity, divinity
Mac IV.iii.237
Put on their Instruments: Receiue what cheere you may,Put on their instruments. Receive what cheer you may:instrument (n.)
weapon, armament
Mac IV.iii.238
The Night is long, that neuer findes the Day.The night is long that never finds the day. Mac IV.iii.239
Exeunt Mac IV.iii.239
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