mind (n.) Old form(s): minde
intention, purpose, intent
1H6 II.ii.59[Talbot aside to Captain] You perceive my mind? [i.e. what I have in mind]
Cym III.iv.145[Pisanio to Innogen] if you could wear a mind / Dark [i.e. if you would think of playing a part]
H8 I.i.161[Buckingham to Norfolk, of Wolsey] his mind and place / Infecting one another
MW I.i.171[Evans to all, of Slender] that is a virtuous mind
RJ V.ii.4[Friar Laurence to Friar John, of Romeo] if his mind be writ, give me his letter
Tim I.ii.161[Flavius to himself, of Timon] That man might ne'er be wretched for his mind [i.e. if it were not for his good intentions]
TS I.ii.77[Grumio to Hortensio, of Petruchio] he tells you flatly what his mind is

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