grossly (adv.) Old form(s): grosely , grossely
openly, blatantly, brazenly
AC III.x.28[Canidius to all, of Antony] he has given example for our flight / Most grossly by his own
CE II.ii.178[Adriana to Antipholus of Syracuse] How ill agrees it with your gravity / To counterfeit thus grossly with your slave
H5 II.ii.107[King Henry to all] Treason and murder ever kept together ... / Working so grossly in a natural cause
KJ IV.ii.94[Salisbury to King John, of Arthur's death] 'tis shame / That greatness should so grossly offer it
KL I.i.291[Gonereill to Regan, of Lear and Cordelia] with what poor judgement he hath now cast her off appears too grossly [F; Q grosse]
MW II.ii.138[Falstaff alone, of using his body] Let them say 'tis grossly done - so it be fairly done, no matter [also: clumsily; by a fat man]
Oth III.iii.392[Iago to Othello] Would you, the supervisor, grossly gape on?

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