countenance (n.) Old form(s): count'nance
demeanour, bearing, manner
1H4 V.i.69[Worcester to King Henry] such means / As you yourself have forged against yourself, / By unkind usage, dangerous countenance
AYL I.i.16[Orlando to Adam, of Oliver] the something that nature gave me his countenance seems to take from me [or, style of living]
AYL II.vii.109[Orlando to Duke Senior] therefore put I on the countenance / Of stern commandment
AYL IV.i.32[Rosalind as Ganymede to Jaques] almost chide God for making you that countenance you are
Cor I.iii.61[Valeria to Volumnia and Virgilia, of Young Martius] 'Has such a confirmed countenance [or: sense 3]
KL I.ii.155[Edmund to Edgar, of Gloucester] Found you no displeasure in him by word nor countenance?
KL I.iv.27[disguised Kent to Lear] you have that in your countenance which I would fain call master
TS I.i.226[Lucentio to Biondello, of Tranio] [he] Puts my apparel and my countenance on
TS IV.ii.65[Biondello to Tranio, of the man he has seen] In gait and countenance surely like a father
TS IV.iv.18[Tranio as Lucentio to Pedant as Vincentio] Set your countenance, sir
WT V.ii.46[Third Gentleman to all, of the meeting between Leontes and Polixenes] There was ... countenance of such distraction that they were to be known by garment, not by favour

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