compliment, complement (n.) Old form(s): Complement
ceremony, etiquette, protocol
AC IV.iv.32[Antony to Cleopatra] worthy shameful check it were to stand / On more mechanic compliment
KJ I.i.201[Bastard alone, of replying to a question] in dialogue of compliment [i.e. mutual flattery]
KJ[Bastard to Hubert] Sans compliment, what news abroad?
KL I.i.301[Gonerill to Regan, of Lear] There is further compliment of leave-taking between France and him
KL V.iii.231[Albany to all, of receiving Kent] The time will not allow the compliment / Which very manners urges
LLL IV.ii.141[Holofernes to Jaquenetta] Stay not thy compliment; I forgive thy duty [F complement]
MA IV.i.314[Beatrice to Benedick] manhood is melted into curtsies, valour into compliment
RJ II.ii.89[Juliet to Romeo] But farewell compliment!

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