cheer (n.) Old form(s): chear , cheare, cheere, cheeres
face, look, expression
1H6 I.ii.48[Bastard to all] Methinks your looks are sad, your cheer appalled
E3 II.ii.101[Lodowick to King Edward, of the Countess] the Countess with a smiling cheer
Luc.264[Tarquin to himself, of Lucrece] she smiled with so sweet a cheer
MND III.ii.96[Oberon to Puck, of Helena] All fancy-sick she is and pale of cheer
MND V.i.286[Bottom as Pyramus, of Thisbe] the fairest dame ... that looked with cheer
MV III.ii.312[Portia to Bassanio] show a merry cheer
Tit I.i.267[Saturninus to Tamora] chance of war hath wrought this change of cheer
TNK I.v.4[Song] Balms and gums and heavy cheers

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