vile, vild (adj.) Old form(s): vilde
shameful, contemptible, wretched
2H4 I.ii.17[Falstaff to Page] I will inset you neither in gold nor silver, but in vile apparel
H5 IV.chorus.50[Chorus] With four or five most vile and ragged foils
JC III.ii.32[Brutus to all] Who is here so vile that will not love his country?
JC IV.iii.71[Brutus to Cassius] I can raise no money by vile means
KL[Gloucester to disguised Edgar] how stiff is my vile sense
Tim IV.iii.466[Flavius to himself] What viler thing upon the earth than friends, / Who can bring noblest minds to basest ends
TN III.iv.356[Antonio to First Officer, of Viola as Cesario] how vild an idol proves this god!

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