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Search phrase: betake


 9 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW IV.i.73can speak thy tongue. Kerelybonto. Sir, betake thee tocan speake thy tongue: Kerelybonto sir, betake thee to
Henry VI Part 22H6 IV.viii.63me betake me to my heels.me betake mee to my heeles.
PericlesPer I.iii.34Your lord has betaken himself to unknown travels.your Lord has betake himselfe to vnknowne trauailes,
PericlesPer II.iii.114Therefore each one betake him to his rest;Therefore each one betake him to his rest,
Romeo and JulietRJ I.iv.34But every man betake him to his legs.But euery man betake him to his legs.
Twelfth NightTN III.iv.216That defence thou hast, betake thee to't. OfThat defence thou hast, betake the too't: of
Twelfth NightTN III.iv.226if you hold your life at any price, betake you toif you hold your life at any price, betake you to
The Two Noble KinsmenTNK III.i.82Again betake you to your hawthorn house.Againe betake you to your hawthorne house,
The Winter's TaleWT III.ii.207Than all thy woes can stir. Therefore betake theeThen all thy woes can stirre: therefore betake thee


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.125 And every one to rest themselves betakes, And euerie one to rest themselues betake,
The Rape of LucreceLuc.174 Doth too too oft betake him to retire, Doth too too oft betake him to retire,


 5 result(s).
betakego, take oneself off, make one's way
betakeentrust, commit, give in charge
betakeresort, have recourse, commit oneself
framedirect one's steps, shape a course, betake oneself
wenddirect, betake [oneself]


 2 result(s).
betake oneselfwend
betake oneselfframe

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