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Search phrase: government


 28 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym II.iv.150The government of patience! You have won:The gouernment of Patience. You haue wonne:
Henry IV Part 11H4 I.ii.27men say we be men of good government, being governedmen say, we be men of good Gouernment, being gouerned
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.i.178Defect of manners, want of government,Defect of Manners, want of Gouernment,
Henry IV Part 11H4 IV.i.19Under whose government come they along?Vnder whose Gouernment come they along?
Henry IV Part 22H4 IV.iv.10Come underneath the yoke of government.Come vnderneath the yoake of Gouernment.
Henry VH5 I.ii.180For government, though high, and low, and lower,For Gouernment, though high, and low, and lower,
Henry VH5 II.ii.28Under the sweet shade of your government.Vnder the sweet shade of your gouernment.
Henry VI Part 11H6 II.i.64As that whereof I had the government,As that whereof I had the gouernment,
Henry VI Part 22H6 I.iii.42Is this the government of Britain's isle,Is this the Gouernment of Britaines Ile?
Henry VI Part 33H6 I.iv.132'Tis government that makes them seem divine;'Tis Gouernment that makes them seeme Diuine,
Henry VI Part 33H6 IV.vi.24I here resign my government to thee,I here resigne my Gouernment to thee,
Henry VI Part 33H6 IV.vi.40That no dissension hinder government;That no dissention hinder Gouernment:
Henry VI Part 33H6 IV.vi.51I mean, in bearing weight of government,I meane, in bearing weight of Gouernment,
Henry VIIIH8 II.iv.138Thy meekness saint-like, wife-like government,Thy meeknesse Saint-like, Wife-like Gouernment,
Measure for MeasureMM I.i.3Of government the properties to unfoldOf Gouernment, the properties to vnfold,
Measure for MeasureMM III.i.196government.gouernment.
Measure for MeasureMM IV.ii.133and, indeed, his fact, till now in the government of LordAnd indeed his fact till now in the gouernment of Lord
A Midsummer Night's DreamMND V.i.123child on a recorder – a sound, but not in government.childe on a Recorder, a sound, but not in gouernment.
OthelloOth III.iii.254.1Fear not my government.Feare not my gouernment.
OthelloOth IV.i.237Deputing Cassio in his government.Deputing Cassio in his Gouernment.
PericlesPer I.iv.21This Tarsus, o'er which I have the government,This Tharsus ore which I haue the gouernement,
PericlesPer II.i.103called for his peaceable reign and good government.cal'd, / For his peaceable raigne, and good gouernement.
PericlesPer II.i.105subjects the name of good by his government. How farsubiects the name of good, by his gouernment. How farre
Richard IIR2 III.iv.36All must be even in our government.All must be euen, in our Gouernment.
Richard IIIR3 II.iii.12In him there is a hope of government,In him there is a hope of Gouernment,
Richard IIIR3 III.vii.131And kingly government of this your land;And Kingly Gouernment of this your Land:
Romeo and JulietRJ IV.i.102Each part, deprived of supple government,Each part depriu'd of supple gouernment,
The TempestTem I.ii.75The government I cast upon my brother,The Gouernment I cast vpon my brother,


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Rape of LucreceLuc.a38 acclamation the Tarquins were all exiled, and the state government acclamation, the Tarquins were all exiled, and the state gouern-
The Rape of LucreceLuc.1400 Showed deep regard and smiling government. Shewed deepe regard and smiling gouernment.


 12 result(s).
Brownistfollower of Robert Browne, founder of a 16th-c religious sect advocating a new form of church government
Capitolgeographical and ceremonial centre of ancient Rome, the seat of government
commissionauthoritative charge, government instruction
governmentcontrol, charge, management
governmentself-control, self-discipline, moral conduct
magistratemember of the government, leader of the community
managegovernment, rulers
powerauthority, government
rectorshiprule, government, dominion
reformationradical political change, new government
rulegovernment, country, state
stategovernment, ruling body, administration


 12 result(s).
government instructioncommission
government, member of themagistrate
government, newreformation
government, seat of RomanCapitol
instruction, governmentcommission
member of the governmentmagistrate
new governmentreformation

Themes and Topics

 2 result(s).
Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious...ous sect advocating a new form of church government calipolis 2h4 ii iv 174 m...
World [outside Britain], places and peoples...nial centre of ancient rome the seat of government carentan e3 iii iii 20 to...

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