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Search phrase: infirmity


 17 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
All's Well That Ends WellAW II.i.69.1Of your infirmity?of your infirmitie?
CoriolanusCor III.i.82.1A man of their infirmity.a man, of their Infirmity.
CymbelineCym III.v.47Whereto constrained by her infirmity,Whereto constrain'd by her infirmitie,
Henry VI Part 11H6 V.iv.60Then, Joan, discover thine infirmity,Then Ione discouer thine infirmity,
Julius CaesarJC I.ii.269infirmity. Three or four wenches, where I stood, cried,infirmitie. Three or foure Wenches where I stood, cryed,
King Edward IIIE3 II.i.58Herself the ground of my infirmity.Herselfe the ground of my infirmitie.
King LearKL I.i.292'Tis the infirmity of his age. Yet he hath ever but'Tis the infirmity of his age, yet he hath euer but
King LearKL II.iv.101Infirmity doth still neglect all officeInfirmity doth still neglect all office,
MacbethMac III.iv.85I have a strange infirmity, which is nothingI haue a strange infirmity, which is nothing
Measure for MeasureMM V.i.47She speaks this in th' infirmity of sense.She speakes this, in th' infirmity of sence.
OthelloOth II.iii.37makes here. I am unfortunate in the infirmity and daremakes heere. I am infortunate in the infirmity, and dare
OthelloOth II.iii.122On some odd time of his infirmity,On some odde time of his infirmitie
OthelloOth II.iii.135With one of an ingraft infirmity.With one of an ingraft Infirmitie,
The TempestTem IV.i.160Be not disturbed with my infirmity.Be not disturb'd with my infirmitie,
Twelfth NightTN I.v.71him. Infirmity, that decays the wise, doth ever make thehim: Infirmity that decaies the wise, doth euer make the
Twelfth NightTN I.v.73God send you, sir, a speedy infirmity for the betterGod send you sir, a speedie Infirmity, for the better
The Winter's TaleWT V.i.140Can send his brother; and but infirmity,Can send his Brother: and but Infirmitie


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Phoenix and TurtlePhoen.60 'Twas not their infirmity, Twas not their infirmitie,
The Rape of LucreceLuc.150 And this ambitious foul infirmity And this ambitious foule infirmitie,


 5 result(s).
bedredbed-ridden, confined to bed through infirmity
bedrid, bed-rid, bedredbed-ridden, confined to bed through infirmity
confirmitymalapropism for ‘infirmity
infirmitydefect, flaw, weakness
infirmityindisposition, illness, malady


 2 result(s).
confined to bed through infirmitybedrid, bed-rid, bedred
confined to bed through infirmitybedred

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