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Search phrase: mildly


 8 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Comedy of ErrorsCE V.i.87She never reprehended him but mildly,She neuer reprehended him but mildely, 
CoriolanusCor III.ii.139To answer mildly; for they are preparedTo answer mildely: for they are prepar'd
CoriolanusCor III.ii.142The word is ‘ mildly ’. Pray you let us go.The word is, Mildely. Pray you let vs go,
CoriolanusCor III.ii.144.2Ay, but mildly.I, but mildely.
CoriolanusCor III.ii.145Well, mildly be it then – mildly!Well mildely be it then, Mildely.
Richard IIR2 II.i.69The King is come. Deal mildly with his youth;The King is come, deale mildly with his youth,
Richard IIR2 V.i.32Take thy correction, mildly kiss the rod,Take thy Correction mildly, kisse the Rodde,
Titus AndronicusTit I.i.478That what we did was mildly as we might,That what we did, was mildly, as we might,


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