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Search results

Search phrase: sect


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
HamletHam I.iii.26As he in his particular act and placeAs he in his peculiar Sect and force
Henry IV Part 22H4 II.iv.37So is all her sect; an they be once in a calmSo is all her Sect: if they be once in a Calme,
Henry VIIIH8 V.iii.81.1Of this new sect? Ye are not sound.Of this new Sect? ye are not sound.
OthelloOth I.iii.328whereof I take this, that you call love, to be a sect orwhereof I take this, that you call Loue, to be a Sect, or
The Winter's TaleWT V.i.107Would she begin a sect, might quench the zealWould she begin a Sect, might quench the zeale


 0 result(s).


 6 result(s).
Brownistfollower of Robert Browne, founder of a 16th-c religious sect advocating a new form of church government
sectfaction, cabal, party
sectcutting, offshoot, branch
sectclass, kind, sort
sectaryfollower of a heretical sect
Turlygod[unclear meaning] possibly an allusion to 'turlupin' for a person of no value, from the name of a medieval French heretical sect


 5 result(s).
follower of a heretical sectsectary
heretical sect, follower of asectary
religious sectBrownist
sect , religiousBrownist
sect, follower of a hereticalsectary

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Contemporary figures, factual and fictitious...rt browne founder of a 16th-c religious sect advocating a new form of church governme...

Words Families

 2 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
SECTBASICsect n, sectary n


 0 result(s).

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