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Search phrase: tributary


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
CymbelineCym IV.ii.36Poor tributary rivers as sweet fish:Poore Tributary Riuers, as sweet Fish:
HamletHam V.ii.39As England was his faithful tributary,As England was his faithfull Tributary,
Romeo and JulietRJ III.ii.103Your tributary drops belong to woe,Your tributarie drops belong to woe,
Titus AndronicusTit I.i.162Lo, at this tomb my tributary tearsLoe at this Tombe my tributarie teares,
Titus AndronicusTit III.i.268And make them blind with tributary tears.And make them blinde with tributarie teares.


 2 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Venus and AdonisVen.632 To which Love's eyes pays tributary gazes; To which loues eyes paies tributarie gazes,
Venus and AdonisVen.1045 Whereat each tributary subject quakes, Whereat ech tributarie subiect quakes,


 3 result(s).
courseflowing stream, tributary, watercourse
tributaryruler who pays tribute
tributarypaying a tribute, contributory


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