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Search results

Search phrase: include


 1 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Two Gentlemen of VeronaTG V.iv.161Come, let us go; we will include all jarsCome, let vs goe, we will include all iarres,


 0 result(s).


 5 result(s).
admitinclude, take into account
closeenclose, include, contain
comprehendtake in, include, incorporate
includeconclude, settle, bring to a close
shut upembody, sum up, include


 4 result(s).
includeshut up

Themes and Topics

 12 result(s).
a- as a particle... other examples of a- particle usage include item location item l...
Archaisms...e medieval poet gower in pericles these include several instances of a y- prefix before ...
Comparison...ut shakespearian english allows it they include some words expressing absolute notions (...
Family...neration brother and sister are used to include in-laws and step-siblings example...
...ion above mother and father are used to include in-laws and step-parents though daughte...
...tion below son and daughter are used to include in-laws and step-children exampl...
Past tenses...spearean and modern english it does not include forms where the difference seems to be o...
Plurals...e result of printing errors examples include shylock’s use of beefs and muttons and t...
Politeness...use me i’m busy’ the table does not include cases of ‘special pleading’ such as the...
Regrets...d to express the range of emotions which include regret grief sorrow lament and remor...
Swearing...the heading of &lsquo swearing&rsquo we include any emphatic expressions in which the sp...
... (&lsquo bots on&rsquo t&rsquo ) and include many special usages such as the clown&r...
Britain [outside London]...thur’s legendary kingdom possible sites include winchester sarum below char...
Welsh...the reverse process are noteworthy they include evans&rsquo pronunciation of latin as w...
Abbreviations...nitial capitals in poetry but we do not include sentence-ending marks unless they are cr...

Words Families

 2 result(s).
Word FamilyWord Family GroupWords
INCLUDEBASICinclude v, inclusive adj


 0 result(s).

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