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Search phrase: industrious


 4 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry IV Part 11H4 I.i.62Here is a dear, a true industrious friend,Heere is a deere and true industrious friend,
King JohnKJ II.i.376At your industrious scenes and acts of death.At your industrious Scenes and acts of death.
MacbethMac V.iv.16.1Industrious soldiership.Industrious Souldiership.
The TempestTem IV.i.33What, Ariel! My industrious servant, Ariel!What Ariell; my industrious seruãt Ariell.


 0 result(s).


 2 result(s).
industriousdevoted, zealous, attentive
industriousingenious, skilful, clever


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Themes and Topics

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Words Families

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