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Search phrase: potential


 2 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
King LearKL II.i.75Were very pregnant and potential spursWere very pregnant and potentiall spirits
OthelloOth I.ii.13And hath in his effect a voice potentialAnd hath in his effect a voice potentiall


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
A Lover's ComplaintLC.264 O most potential love, vow, bond, nor space O most potentiall loue, vowe, bond, nor space


 5 result(s).
fruitfulpromising, full of potential, talented
humanityhuman potential, manhood
likelihoodfuture, promise, potential
mean(plural) capacity, capability, potential
potentialpowerful, mighty, strong


 6 result(s).
full of potentialfruitful
human potentialhumanity
potential, full offruitful
potential, humanhumanity

Themes and Topics

 1 result(s).
Thou and you...itude or an altered relationship the potential role of thou as an insult for example ...

Words Families

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