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Search results

Search phrase: refrain


 5 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
HamletHam III.iv.166That aptly is put on. Refrain tonight,refraine to night,
Henry VI Part 33H6 II.ii.110Break off the parley; for scarce I can refrainBreake off the parley, for scarse I can refraine
King JohnKJ II.i.525Nay, ask me if I can refrain from love;Nay aske me if I can refraine from loue,
MacbethMac II.iii.113Unmannerly breeched with gore. Who could refrain,Vnmannerly breech'd with gore: who could refraine,
OthelloOth IV.i.98He, when he hears of her, cannot refrainHe, when he heares of her, cannot restraine


 1 result(s).
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
The Passionate PilgrimPP.20.16 Scarce I could from tears refrain; Scarce I could from teares refraine:


 12 result(s).
burdenrefrain, chorus
dildononsense refrain in a ballad; also: artificial penis
fadingnonsense refrain in a ballad [with allusion to sexual energy]
hitwords of a song refrain [used in LL IV.i.126]
holdingrefrain, chorus
letrefrain, omit, keep from
refrainrestrain, hold back, keep under control
samingo[unclear meaning] type of drinking refrain [Latin ‘mingo’ = urinate]
shunrefuse, avoid, refrain from
spareomit, avoid, refrain [from]
spareavoid offending, refrain from causing distress to
wheel[unclear meaning] song refrain; or: spinning-wheel


 11 result(s).
distress, refrain from causingspare
refrain [music]burden
refrain [music]holding
refrain [music]wheel
refrain [omit]let
refrain [omit]spare
refrain [omit]shun
refrain from causing distress tospare
song refrainwheel
song refrain, words of a hit
words of a song refrainhit

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