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Search phrase: unprovided


 7 result(s). alternate result(s)
PlayKey LineModern TextOriginal Text
Henry IV Part 11H4 III.iii.188unprovided. Well, God be thanked for these rebels, theyvnprouided. Wel God be thanked for these Rebels, they
Henry VH5 IV.i.169they die unprovided, no more is the King guilty of theirthey dye vnprouided, no more is the King guiltie of their
Henry VI Part 33H6 V.iv.63To haste thus fast to find us unprovided.To haste thus fast, to finde vs vnprouided.
King LearKL II.i.51My unprovided body, latched mine arm:My vnprouided body, latch'd mine arme;
PericlesPer II.i.161Only, my friend, I yet am unprovidedOnely (my friend) I yet am vnprouided
Richard IIIR3 III.ii.73Fear you the boar, and go so unprovided?Feare you the Bore, and goe so vnprouided?
The Taming of the ShrewTS III.ii.98Now sadder that you come so unprovided.Now sadder that you come so vnprouided:


 0 result(s).


 4 result(s).
unaccommodatednot possessed of clothes, unprovided with comforts
unprovidedunprepared, unprotected, undefended
unprovidedunprepared for death, not ready to meet God
unprovidedunprepared, not properly dressed


 2 result(s).
comforts, unprovided withunaccommodated
unprovided with comfortsunaccommodated

Themes and Topics

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