Original textModern textKey line
Lucina lent not me her ayde,Lucina lent not me her aid,Cym V.iv.43
but tooke me in my Throwes,but took me in my throes,Cym V.iv.44
That from me was Posthumus ript,That from me was Posthumus ripped,Cym V.iv.45
came crying 'mong'st his Foes.came crying 'mongst his foes,Cym V.iv.46
A thing of pitty.A thing of pity!Cym V.iv.47
With Marriage wherefore was he mocktWith marriage wherefore was he mockedCym V.iv.58
to be exil'd, and throwneto be exiled, and thrownCym V.iv.59
From Leonati Seate, and cast From Leonati seat, and castCym V.iv.60
from her, his deerest one:from her his dearest one,Cym V.iv.61
Sweete Imogen?Sweet Innogen?Cym V.iv.62
Since (Iupiter) our Son is good,Since, Jupiter, our son is good,Cym V.iv.85
take off his miseries.take off his miseries.Cym V.iv.86
All. ALL
Thankes Iupiter.Thanks, Jupiter!Cym V.iv.119.2

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