Original textModern textKey line
Mopsa must be your Mistris: marry Garlick to Mopsa must be your mistress. Marry, garlic toWT IV.iv.163
mend her kissing with.mend her kissing with!WT IV.iv.164
He hath promis'd you more then that, or thereHe hath promised you more than that, or thereWT IV.iv.237
be liars.WT IV.iv.238
Blesse me from marrying a Vsurer.Bless me from marrying a usurer!WT IV.iv.266
Is it true too, thinke you.Is it true too, think you?WT IV.iv.280
We had the tune on't, a month agoe.We had the tune on't a month ago.WT IV.iv.292
Whether?Whither?WT IV.iv.297.1
Whether?Whither?WT IV.iv.297.3
Me too: Let me go thether:Me too; let me go thither.WT IV.iv.300
If to either thou dost ill,If to either, thou dost ill.WT IV.iv.302
What neither?What, neither?WT IV.iv.303.2
Thou hast sworne my Loue to be,Thou hast sworn my love to be.WT IV.iv.304

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