A Midsummer Night's Dream

Act I
scene III
Act II
scene III
Act IV
scene III
Act V
scene I
First folio
Modern text


Key line

Enter Theseus, Hippolita, Egeus and his Lords.Enter Theseus, Hippolyta, Philostrate, Lords, and MND V.i.1.1
Attendants MND V.i.1.2
'Tis strange my Theseus, yt these louers speake of.'Tis strange, my Theseus, that these lovers speak of. MND V.i.1
More strange then true. I neuer may beleeueMore strange than true. I never may believe MND V.i.2
These anticke fables, nor these Fairy toyes,These antique fables, nor these fairy toys.toy (n.)

old form: toyes
foolish story, old wives' tale
MND V.i.3
antic, antick(e), antique (adj.)
old-fashioned, old-world, antiquated
Louers and mad men haue such seething braines,Lovers and madmen have such seething brains, MND V.i.4
Such shaping phantasies, that apprehendSuch shaping fantasies, that apprehendshaping (adj.)
imaginative, inventive, creative
MND V.i.5
fantasy (n.)

old form: phantasies
imagining, delusion, hallucination
apprehend (v.)
imagine, conceive, invent
more / Then coole reason euer comprehends.More than cool reason ever comprehends. MND V.i.6
The Lunaticke, the Louer, and the Poet,The lunatic, the lover, and the poet MND V.i.7
Are of imagination all compact.Are of imagination all compact.compact (adj.)
made up, composed
MND V.i.8
One sees more diuels then vaste hell can hold;One sees more devils than vast hell can hold. MND V.i.9
That is the mad man. The Louer, all as franticke,That is the madman. The lover, all as frantic, MND V.i.10
Sees Helens beauty in a brow of Egipt.Sees Helen's beauty in a brow of Egypt.Helen (n.)
woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War
MND V.i.11
brow (n.)
appearance, aspect, countenance
The Poets eye in a fine frenzy rolling,The poet's eye, in fine frenzy rolling, MND V.i.12
doth glance / From heauen to earth, from earth to heauen.Doth glance from heaven to earth, from earth to heaven. MND V.i.13
And as imagination bodies forthAnd as imagination bodies forthbody forth (v.)
make available to the mind, give mental shape to
MND V.i.14
the forms of things / Vnknowne; the Poets penThe forms of things unknown, the poet's pen MND V.i.15
turnes them to shapes, / And giues to aire nothing,Turns them to shapes, and gives to airy nothing MND V.i.16
a locall habitation, / And a name.A local habitation and a name. MND V.i.17
Such tricks hath strong imagination,Such tricks hath strong imagination MND V.i.18
That if it would but apprehend some ioy,That if it would but apprehend some joy,apprehend (v.)
imagine, conceive, invent
MND V.i.19
It comprehends some bringer of that ioy.It comprehends some bringer of that joy.comprehend (v.)
take in, include, incorporate
MND V.i.20
Or in the night, imagining some feare,Or in the night, imagining some fear, MND V.i.21
Howe easie is a bush suppos'd a Beare?How easy is a bush supposed a bear? MND V.i.22
But all the storie of the night told ouer,But all the story of the night told over, MND V.i.23
And all their minds transfigur'd so together,And all their minds transfigured so together, MND V.i.24
More witnesseth than fancies images,More witnesseth than fancy's images,witness (v.)
bear witness to, attest, testify to
MND V.i.25
fancy (n.)

old form: fancies
imagination, creativity, inventiveness
And growes to something of great constancie;And grows to something of great constancy;constancy (n.)

old form: constancie
consistency, agreement, uniformity
MND V.i.26
But howsoeuer, strange, and admirable.But, howsoever, strange and admirable.admirable (adj.)
wondrous, marvellous, extraordinary
MND V.i.27
Enter louers, Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and Enter the lovers: Lysander, Demetrius, Hermia, and MND V.i.28.1
Helena.Helena MND V.i.28.2
Heere come the louers, full of ioy and mirth:Here come the lovers, full of joy and mirth. MND V.i.28
Ioy, gentle friends, ioy and fresh dayes / Of loue Joy, gentle friends, joy and fresh days of lovegentle (adj.)
well-born, honourable, noble
MND V.i.29
accompany your hearts.Accompany your hearts. MND V.i.30.1
More then to vs,More than to us MND V.i.30.2
waite in your royall walkes, your boord, your bed.Wait in your royal walks, your board, your bed. MND V.i.31
Come now, what maskes, what dances shall we haue,Come now, what masques, what dances shall we have MND V.i.32
To weare away this long age of three houres,To wear away this long age of three hours MND V.i.33
Between our after supper, and bed-time?Between our after-supper and bedtime?after-supper (n.)

old form: after supper
period of time immediately after dessert [eaten after the main course of the evening meal]
MND V.i.34
Where is our vsuall manager of mirth?Where is our usual manager of mirth? MND V.i.35
What Reuels are in hand? Is there no play,What revels are in hand? Is there no play MND V.i.36
To ease the anguish of a torturing houre?To ease the anguish of a torturing hour? MND V.i.37
Call Egeus.Call Philostrate. MND V.i.38.1
Heere mighty Theseus.Here, mighty Theseus. MND V.i.38.2
Say, what abridgement haue you for this euening? Say, what abridgement have you for this evening?abridgement (n.)
pastime, short entertainment, means of shortening the time
MND V.i.39
What maske? What musicke? How shall we beguileWhat masque, what music? How shall we beguile MND V.i.40
The lazie time, if not with some delight?The lazy time if not with some delight? MND V.i.41
(giving a paper) MND V.i.42.1
There is a breefe how many sports are rife:There is a brief how many sports are ripe.brief (n.)
summary, short account
MND V.i.42
ripe (adj.)
ready, fully prepared
sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
Make choise of which your Highnesse will see first.Make choice of which your highness will see first. MND V.i.43
The battell with the Centaurs to be sungThe Battle with the Centaurs, ‘ to be sungCentaur (n.)
creature with the upper half of a man and the rear legs of a horse; reputed for bestial behaviour
MND V.i.44
By an Athenian Eunuch, to the Harpe.By an Athenian eunuch to the harp.’ MND V.i.45
The. Wee'l none of that. That haue I told my LoueWe'll none of that. That have I told my love MND V.i.46
In glory of my kinsman Hercules.In glory of my kinsman, Hercules.Hercules (n.)
[Roman form of Heracles] proverbial for his mythical physical strength and miraculous achievements
MND V.i.47
Lis. The riot of the tipsie Bachanals,The riot of the tipsy Bacchanals,Bacchanal (n.)

old form: Bachanal
devotee of Bacchus, the god of wine and inspiration
MND V.i.48
Tearing the Thracian singer, in their rage?Tearing the Thracian singer in their rage.Thracian (adj.)
[pron: 'thraysian] of Thrace; region of ancient NE Greece associated with the worship of Dionysus
MND V.i.49
The. That is an old deuice, and it was plaidThat is an old device, and it was playeddevice (n.)

old form: deuice
show, performance, production
MND V.i.50
When I from Thebes came last a Conqueror.When I from Thebes came last a conqueror.Thebes (n.)
[theebz] city-state in Boeotia, SE Greece; associated with wisdom and learning
MND V.i.51
Lis. The thrice three Muses, mourning for the deathThe thrice three Muses mourning for the deathMuse (n.)
one of the nine goddesses in Greek mythology, the daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne, who gave artistic inspiration; also called the Helicons, as they lived on Mt Helicon
MND V.i.52
of learning, late deceast in beggerie.Of learning, late deceased in beggary. MND V.i.53
The. That is some Satire keene and criticall,That is some satire keen and critical,critical (adj.)

old form: criticall
censorious, judgemental, fault-finding
MND V.i.54
Not sorting with a nuptiall ceremonie.Not sorting with a nuptial ceremony.sort (v.)
suit, be fitting, be appropriate
MND V.i.55
Lis. A tedious breefe Scene of yong Piramus,A tedious brief scene of young Pyramus MND V.i.56
And his loue Thisby; very tragicall mirth.And his love Thisbe; ‘ very tragical mirth.’ MND V.i.57
The. Merry and tragicall? Tedious, and briefe?Merry and tragical? Tedious and brief? MND V.i.58
That is, hot ice, and wondrous strange snow.That is, hot ice and wondrous strange snow. MND V.i.59
How shall wee finde the concord of this discord?How shall we find the concord of this discord? MND V.i.60
A play there is, my Lord, some ten words long,A play there is, my lord, some ten words long, MND V.i.61
Which is as breefe, as I haue knowne a play;Which is as ‘ brief ’ as I have known a play. MND V.i.62
But by ten words, my Lord, it is too long;But by ten words, my lord, it is too long, MND V.i.63
Which makes it tedious. For in all the play,Which makes it ‘ tedious.’ For in all the play MND V.i.64
There is not one word apt, one Player fitted.There is not one word apt, one player fitted. MND V.i.65
And tragicall my noble Lord it is:And ‘ tragical ’, my noble lord, it is, MND V.i.66
for Piramus / Therein doth kill himselfe.For Pyramus therein doth kill himself, MND V.i.67
Which when I saw / Rehearst, I must confesse,Which when I saw rehearsed, I must confess, MND V.i.68
made mine eyes water: / But more merrie teares,Made mine eyes water: but more ‘ merry ’ tears MND V.i.69
the passion of loud laughter / Neuer shed.The passion of loud laughter never shed. MND V.i.70
What are they that do play it?What are they that do play it? MND V.i.71
Hard handed men, that worke in Athens heere,Hard-handed men that work in Athens here, MND V.i.72
Which neuer labour'd in their mindes till now;Which never laboured in their minds till now, MND V.i.73
And now haue toyled their vnbreathed memoriesAnd now have toiled their unbreathed memoriestoil (v.)

old form: toyled
exhaust, tire out, fatigue
MND V.i.74
unbreathed (adj.)

old form: vnbreathed
unpractised, inexperienced, inexpert
With this same play, against your nuptiall.With this same play against your nuptial. MND V.i.75
And we will heare it.And we will hear it. MND V.i.76.1
No my noble Lord,No, my noble lord, MND V.i.76.2
it is not for you. I haue heard / It ouer,It is not for you. I have heard it over, MND V.i.77
and it is nothing, nothing in the world;And it is nothing, nothing in the world, MND V.i.78
Vnlesse you can finde sport in their intents,Unless you can find sport in their intents,sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
MND V.i.79
intent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
Extreamely stretcht, and cond with cruell paine,Extremely stretched, and conned with cruel pain,pain (n.)

old form: paine
effort, endeavour, exertion, labour
MND V.i.80
con (v.)

old form: cond
learn by heart, commit to memory
To doe you seruice.To do you service. MND V.i.81.1
I will heare that play.I will hear that play, MND V.i.81.2
For neuer any thing / Can be amisse,For never anything can be amiss MND V.i.82
when simplenesse and duty tender it.When simpleness and duty tender it.simpleness (n.)

old form: simplenesse
unpretentiousness, unaffected behaviour, unassuming simplicity
MND V.i.83
Goe bring them in, and take your places, Ladies.Go bring them in; and take your places, ladies. MND V.i.84
Exit Philostrate MND V.i.84
I loue not to see wretchednesse orecharged;I love not to see wretchedness o'ercharged,overcharged (adj.)

old form: orecharged
overburdened, overtaxed, overwrought
MND V.i.85
wretchedness (n.)

old form: wretchednesse
humble people, the poor, the lowly
And duty in his seruice perishing.And duty in his service perishing. MND V.i.86
Why gentle sweet, you shall see no such thing.Why, gentle sweet, you shall see no such thing.gentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MND V.i.87
He saies, they can doe nothing in this kinde.He says they can do nothing in this kind. MND V.i.88
The kinder we, to giue them thanks for nothingThe kinder we, to give them thanks for nothing. MND V.i.89
Our sport shall be, to take what they mistake;Our sport shall be to take what they mistake;sport (n.)
recreation, amusement, entertainment
MND V.i.90
take (v.)
take in, comprehend, understand
And what poore duty cannot doe, noble respectAnd what poor duty cannot do, noble respectrespect (n.)
regard, admiration, favour, opinion
MND V.i.91
Takes it in might, not merit.Takes it in might, not merit. MND V.i.92
Where I haue come, great Clearkes haue purposedWhere I have come, great clerks have purposedclerk (n.)

old form: Clearkes
scholar, sage, man of learning
MND V.i.93
To greete me with premeditated welcomes;To greet me with premeditated welcomes, MND V.i.94
Where I haue seene them shiuer and looke pale,Where I have seen them shiver and look pale, MND V.i.95
Make periods in the midst of sentences,Make periods in the midst of sentences,period (n.)
rhetorical pause, sentence ending, termination
MND V.i.96
Throttle their practiz'd accent in their feares,Throttle their practised accent in their fears, MND V.i.97
And in conclusion, dumbly haue broke off,And in conclusion dumbly have broke off, MND V.i.98
Not paying me a welcome. Trust me sweete,Not paying me a welcome. Trust me, sweet, MND V.i.99
Out of this silence yet, I pickt a welcome:Out of this silence yet I picked a welcome,pick (v.)

old form: pickt
extract, make out, detect
MND V.i.100
And in the modesty of fearefull duty,And in the modesty of fearful dutyduty (n.)
reverence, due respect, proper attitude
MND V.i.101
I read as much, as from the ratling tongueI read as much as from the rattling tongue MND V.i.102
Of saucy and audacious eloquence.Of saucy and audacious eloquence. MND V.i.103
Loue therefore, and tongue-tide simplicity,Love, therefore, and tongue-tied simplicitysimplicity (n.)
sincerity, unpretentiousness, artlessness
MND V.i.104
In least, speake most, to my capacity.In least speak most, to my capacity.capacity (n.)
intelligence, understanding, capability
MND V.i.105
Enter Philostrate MND V.i.106.1
So please your Grace, the Prologue is addrest.So please your grace, the Prologue is addressed.address (v.)
prepare, make ready, poise to act
MND V.i.106
Let him approach. Let him approach. MND V.i.107
Flor. Trum. Flourish of trumpets MND V.i.108.1
Enter the Prologue. Quince.Enter Quince as Prologue MND V.i.108.2
If we offend, it is with our good will.If we offend it is with our good will. MND V.i.108
That you should thinke, we come not to offend,That you should think we come not to offend MND V.i.109
But with good will. To shew our simple skill,But with good will. To show our simple skill, MND V.i.110
That is the true beginning of our end.That is the true beginning of our end. MND V.i.111
Consider then, we come but in despight.Consider then we come but in despite. MND V.i.112
We do not come, as minding to content you,We do not come as minding to content you, MND V.i.113
Our true intent is. All for your delight,Our true intent is. All for your delightintent (n.)
intention, purpose, aim
MND V.i.114
We are not heere. That you should here repent you,We are not here. That you should here repent you MND V.i.115
The Actors are at hand; and by their show,The actors are at hand, and by their show MND V.i.116
You shall know all, that you are like to know.You shall know all that you are like to know.like (adv.)
likely, probable / probably
MND V.i.117
This fellow doth not stand vpon points.This fellow doth not stand upon points.point (n.)
trifle, triviality, minor matter; punctuation mark
MND V.i.118
stand upon (v.)

old form: vpon
make an issue of, insist upon, bother about
He hath rid his Prologue, like a rough Colt: heHe hath rid his prologue like a rough colt; herid (v.)
manage, conduct, control
MND V.i.119
knowes not the stop. A good morall my Lord. It is notknows not the stop. A good moral, my lord: it is notstop (n.)
[in managing a horse] pulling-up, sudden checking of a career
MND V.i.120
stop (n.)
full-stop, period, full point
enough to speake, but to speake true.enough to speak, but to speak true. MND V.i.121
Indeed hee hath plaid on his Prologue, like aIndeed, he hath played on his prologue like a MND V.i.122
childe on a Recorder, a sound, but not in gouernment.child on a recorder – a sound, but not in government.government (n.)

old form: gouernment
control, charge, management
MND V.i.123
His speech was like a tangled chaine: nothingHis speech was like a tangled chain: nothing MND V.i.124
impaired, but all disordered. Who is next?impaired, but all disordered. Who is next? MND V.i.125
Tawyer with a Trumpet before them.Enter Bottom as Pyramus, Flute as Thisbe, Snout as MND V.i.126.1
Enter Pyramus and Thisby, Wall, Starveling as Moonshine, and Snug as Lion; MND V.i.126.2
Wall, Moone-shine, and Lyon.a trumpeter before them MND V.i.126.3
Gentles, perchance you wonder at this show,Gentles, perchance you wonder at this show;perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
MND V.i.126
gentle (n.)
(plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk
But wonder on, till truth make all things plaine.But wonder on, till truth make all things plain. MND V.i.127
This man is Piramus, if you would know;This man is Pyramus, if you would know; MND V.i.128
This beauteous Lady, Thisby is certaine.This beauteous lady Thisbe is, certain. MND V.i.129
This man, with lyme and rough-cast, doth presentThis man with lime and roughcast doth present MND V.i.130
Wall, that vile wall, which did these louers sunder:Wall – that vile wall which did these lovers sunder;sunder (v.)
separate, split up, part
MND V.i.131
And through walls chink (poor soules) they are contentAnd through Wall's chink, poor souls, they are contentcontent (adj.)
contented, patient, accepting, undisturbed
MND V.i.132
To whisper. At the which, let no man wonder.To whisper. At the which let no man wonder. MND V.i.133
This man, with Lanthorne, dog, and bush of thorne,This man with lantern, dog, and bush of thorn MND V.i.134
Presenteth moone-shine. For if you will know,Presenteth Moonshine. For if you will know MND V.i.135
By moone-shine did these Louers thinke no scorneBy moonshine did these lovers think no scorn MND V.i.136
To meet at Ninus toombe, there, there to wooe:To meet at Ninus' tomb, there, there to woo. MND V.i.137
This grizly beast (which Lyon hight by name)This grisly beast – which Lion hight by name – hight (v.)
[archaism] is called
MND V.i.138
The trusty Thisby, comming first by night,The trusty Thisbe coming first by night MND V.i.139
Did scarre away, or rather did affright:Did scare away, or rather did affright. MND V.i.140
And as she fled, her mantle she did fall;And as she fled, her mantle she did fall,fall (v.)
drop, descend, let fall
MND V.i.141
mantle (n.)
loose sleeveless cloak
Which Lyon vile with bloody mouth did staine.Which Lion vile with bloody mouth did stain. MND V.i.142
Anon comes Piramus, sweet youth and tall,Anon comes Pyramus – sweet youth and talltall (adj.)
good, fine, capable
MND V.i.143
anon (adv.)
soon, shortly, presently
And findes his Thisbies Mantle slaine;And finds his trusty Thisbe's mantle slain. MND V.i.144
Whereat, with blade, with bloody blamefull blade,Whereat with blade – with bloody, blameful blade –  MND V.i.145
He brauely broacht his boiling bloudy breast,He bravely broached his boiling bloody breast.bravely (adv.)

old form: brauely
showily, with great display, with a fine flourish
MND V.i.146
broach (v.)

old form: broacht
pierce, impale, spit
And Thisby, tarrying in Mulberry shade,And Thisbe, tarrying in mulberry shade,tarry (v.)
stay, remain, linger
MND V.i.147
His dagger drew, and died. For all the rest,His dagger drew, and died. For all the rest, MND V.i.148
Let Lyon, Moone-shine, Wall, and Louers twaine,Let Lion, Moonshine, Wall, and lovers twain MND V.i.149
At large discourse, while here they doe remaine.At large discourse while here they do remain.large, at
at length, in full, thoroughly
MND V.i.150
discourse (v.)
relate, talk about, recount
Exit all but Wall.Exeunt Quince, Bottom, Flute, Snug, and Starveling MND V.i.150
I wonder if the Lion be to speake.I wonder if the lion be to speak. MND V.i.151
No wonder, my Lord: one Lion may, when many Asses doe. Exit Lyon, Thisbie, and Mooneshine. No wonder, my lord – one lion may, when many asses do. MND V.i.152
Wall. SNOUT as Wall 
In this same Interlude, it doth befall,In this same interlude it doth befallinterlude, enterlude (n.)
short play, theatrical performance [staged to fill an interval]
MND V.i.153
befall (v.), past forms befallen, befell
happen, occur, take place, turn out
That I, one Snowt (by name) present a wall:That I – one Snout by name – present a wall. MND V.i.154
And such a wall, as I would haue you thinke,And such a wall as I would have you think MND V.i.155
That had in it a crannied hole or chinke:That had in it a crannied hole or chink,crannied (adj.)
cracked, split, holed
MND V.i.156
Through which the Louers, Piramus and ThisbieThrough which the lovers, Pyramus and Thisbe, MND V.i.157
Did whisper often, very secretly.Did whisper often, very secretly. MND V.i.158
This loame, this rough-cast, and this stone doth shew,This loam, this roughcast, and this stone doth show MND V.i.159
That I am that same Wall; the truth is so.That I am that same wall; the truth is so. MND V.i.160
And this the cranny is, right and sinister,And this the cranny is, right and sinister,sinister (adj.)
MND V.i.161
Through which the fearefull Louers are to whisper.Through which the fearful lovers are to whisper. MND V.i.162
Would you desire Lime and Haire to speake better?Would you desire lime and hair to speak better? MND V.i.163
It is the wittiest partition, that euer I heardIt is the wittiest partition that ever I heardwitty (adj.)
intelligent, ingenious, sensible
MND V.i.164
partition (n.)
wall, dividing structure; also: section of a learned book
discourse, my Lord.discourse, my lord.discourse (v.)
talk, chat, converse
MND V.i.165
Enter Pyramus.Enter Bottom as Pyramus MND V.i.166
Pyramus drawes neere the Wall, silence.Pyramus draws near the wall. Silence! MND V.i.166
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
O grim lookt night, ô night with hue so blacke,O grim-looked night, O night with hue so black,grim-looked (adj.)
grim-looking, forbidding
MND V.i.167
O night, which euer art, when day is not:O night which ever art when day is not! MND V.i.168
O night, ô night, alacke, alacke, alacke,O night, O night, alack, alack, alack, MND V.i.169
I feare my Thisbies promise is forgot.I fear my Thisbe's promise is forgot. MND V.i.170
And thou ô wall, thou sweet and louely wall,And thou, O wall, O sweet, O lovely wall, MND V.i.171
That stands between her fathers ground and mine,That standest between her father's ground and mine, MND V.i.172
Thou wall, ô wall, o sweet and louely wall,Thou wall, O wall, O sweet and lovely wall, MND V.i.173
Shew me thy chinke, to blinke through with mine eine.Show me thy chink to blink through with mine eyne.eyne (n.)

old form: eine
[archaism] eyes
MND V.i.174
Wall holds up his fingers MND V.i.175.1
Thankes courteous wall. Ioue shield thee well for this.Thanks, courteous wall; Jove shield thee well for this.Jove (n.)
[pron: johv] alternative name for Jupiter, the Roman supreme god
MND V.i.175
But what see I? No Thisbie doe I see.But what see I? No Thisbe do I see. MND V.i.176
O wicked wall, through whom I see no blisse,O wicked wall, through whom I see no bliss: MND V.i.177
Curst be thy stones for thus deceiuing mee.Cursed be thy stones for thus deceiving me! MND V.i.178
The wall me-thinkes being sensible, should curseThe wall, methinks, being sensible, should cursemethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)

old form: me-thinkes
it seems / seemed to me
MND V.i.179
sensible (adj.)
sensitive, responsive, capable of feeling
againe.again.again (adv.)

old form: againe
in return, back [in response]
MND V.i.180
No in truth sir, he should not. Deceiuing me, / Is No, in truth sir, he should not. ‘Deceiving me' is MND V.i.181
Thisbies cue; she is to enter, and I am to spy / HerThisbe's cue. She is to enter now, and I am to spy her MND V.i.182
through the wall. You shall see it will fall. / Pat as I toldthrough the wall. You shall see – it will fall pat as I toldpat (adv.)
precisely, just, exactly
MND V.i.183
you; yonder she comes.you. Yonder she comes. MND V.i.184
Enter Thisbie.Enter Flute as Thisbe MND V.i.185
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
O wall, full often hast thou heard my mones,O wall, full often hast thou heard my moans MND V.i.185
For parting my faire Piramus, and me.For parting my fair Pyramus and me. MND V.i.186
My cherry lips haue often kist thy stones;My cherry lips have often kissed thy stones, MND V.i.187
Thy stones with Lime and Haire knit vp in thee.Thy stones with lime and hair knit up in thee. MND V.i.188
Pyra. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
I see a voyce; now will I to the chinke,I see a voice. Now will I to the chink MND V.i.189
To spy and I can heare my Thisbies face. To spy an I can hear my Thisbe's face.and, an (conj.)
if, whether
MND V.i.190
Thisbie?Thisbe! MND V.i.191.1
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
My Loue thou art, my Loue I thinke.My love! Thou art my love, I think? MND V.i.191.2
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Thinke what thou wilt, I am thy Louers grace,Think what thou wilt, I am thy lover's grace, MND V.i.192
And like Limander am I trusty still.And like Limander am I trusty still.still (adv.)
constantly, always, continually
MND V.i.193
Limander (n.)
malapropism for Leander
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
And like Helen till the Fates me kill.And I like Helen till the Fates me kill.Fates (n.)
trio of goddesses who control human destiny: Atropos (‘the inflexible’) cuts the thread of life allotted and spun by Lachesis (‘the distributor’) and Clotho (‘the spinner’)
MND V.i.194
Helen (n.)
woman renowned for her beauty, whose abduction from the Greeks by Paris of Troy caused the Trojan War
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true.Not Shafalus to Procrus was so true.Procrus (n.)
[pron: 'prohkrus] mispronunciation of Procris, legendary Greek lover whose love for her husband Cephalus was tragically harmed through his jealousy
MND V.i.195
Shafalus (n.)
mispronunciation of Cephalus, son of Deion
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you.As Shafalus to Procrus, I to you. MND V.i.196
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
O kisse me through the hole of this vile wall.O kiss me through the hole of this vile wall! MND V.i.197
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
I kisse the wals hole, not your lips at all.I kiss the wall's hole, not your lips at all. MND V.i.198
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Wilt thou at Ninnies tombe meete me straight way?Wilt thou at Ninny's tomb meet me straightway? MND V.i.199
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
Tide life, tide death, I come without delay.Tide life, tide death, I come without delay.tide (v.)
[= betide] come, befall
MND V.i.200
Exeunt Bottom and Flute MND V.i.200.1
Wall. SNOUT as Wall 
Thus haue I Wall, my part discharged so;Thus have I, Wall, my part discharged so; MND V.i.201
And being done, thus Wall away doth go. And, being done, thus Wall away doth go. MND V.i.202
Exit Clow. Exit MND V.i.202
Now is the morall downe between the twoNow is the mural down between the twomural (n.)

old form: morall
[disputed reading: mure all] wall
MND V.i.203
Neighbors.neighbours. MND V.i.204
No remedie my Lord, when Wals are so wilfull,No remedy, my lord, when walls are so wilful MND V.i.205
to heare without warning.to hear without warning. MND V.i.206
This is the silliest stuffe that ere I heard.This is the silliest stuff that ever I heard. MND V.i.207
The best in this kind are but shadowes, and theThe best in this kind are but shadows; and the MND V.i.208
worst are no worse, if imagination amend them.worst are no worse, if imagination amend them. MND V.i.209
It must be your imagination then, & notIt must be your imagination then, and not MND V.i.210
theirs.theirs. MND V.i.211
If wee imagine no worse of them then they ofIf we imagine no worse of them than they of MND V.i.212
themselues, they may passe for excellent men. Here comthemselves, they may pass for excellent men. Here come MND V.i.213
two noble beasts, in a man and a Lion.two noble beasts in: a man and a lion. MND V.i.214
Enter Lyon and Moone-shine.Enter Snug as Lion and Starveling as Moonshine MND V.i.215.1
Lyon. SNUG as Lion 
You Ladies, you (whose gentle harts do feareYou, ladies – you whose gentle hearts do feargentle (adj.)
soft, tender, kind
MND V.i.215
The smallest monstrous mouse that creepes on floore)The smallest monstrous mouse that creeps on floor –  MND V.i.216
May now perchance, both quake and tremble heere,May now, perchance, both quake and tremble here,perchance (adv.)
perhaps, maybe
MND V.i.217
When Lion rough in wildest rage doth roare.When Lion rough in wildest rage doth roar. MND V.i.218
Then know that I, one Snug the Ioyner amThen know that I as Snug the joiner am MND V.i.219
A Lion fell, nor else no Lions dam:A lion fell, nor else no lion's dam,fell (adj.)
cruel, fierce, savage
MND V.i.220
For if I should as Lion come in strifeFor if I should as lion come in strife MND V.i.221
Into this place, 'twere pittie of my life.Into this place, 'twere pity on my life. MND V.i.222
A verie gentle beast, and of good conscience.A very gentle beast, of a good conscience.gentle (adj.)
courteous, friendly, kind
MND V.i.223
The verie best at a beast, my Lord, ytere I The very best at a beast, my lord, that e'er I. MND V.i.224
saw.saw. MND V.i.225
This Lion is a verie Fox for his valor.This lion is a very fox for his valour. MND V.i.226
True, and a Goose for his discretion.True; and a goose for his discretion. MND V.i.227
Not so my Lord: for his valor cannot carrieNot so, my lord; for his valour cannot carry MND V.i.228
his discretion, and the Fox carries the Goose.his discretion; and the fox carries the goose. MND V.i.229
His discretion I am sure cannot carrie hisHis discretion, I am sure, cannot carry his MND V.i.230
valor: for the Goose carries not the Fox. It is well; leauevalour; for the goose carries not the fox. It is well: leave MND V.i.231
it to his discretion, and let vs hearken to the Moone.it to his discretion, and let us listen to the moon. MND V.i.232
Moone. STARVELING as Moonshine 
This Lanthorne doth the horned Moone present. This lanthorn doth the horned moon present.lanthorn (n.)
MND V.i.233
He should haue worne the hornes on his head.He should have worn the horns on his head. MND V.i.234
Hee is no crescent, and his hornes are inuisible,He is no crescent, and his horns are invisiblecrescent (n.)
waxing moon, growing person
MND V.i.235
within the circumference.within the circumference. MND V.i.236
Moon. STARVELING as Moonshine 
This lanthorne doth the horned Moone present:This lanthorn doth the horned moon present; MND V.i.237
My selfe, the man i'th Moone doth seeme to be.Myself the man i'th' moon do seem to be. MND V.i.238
This is the greatest error of all the rest; the manThis is the greatest error of all the rest; the man MND V.i.239
Should be put into the Lanthorne. How is it els the manshould be put into the lanthorn. How is it else the man MND V.i.240
i'th Moone?i'th' moon? MND V.i.241
He dares not come there for the candle. ForHe dares not come there, for the candle. For, MND V.i.242
you see, it is already in snuffe.you see, it is already in snuff.snuff, in

old form: snuffe
in need of snuffing out; also: in a rage
MND V.i.243
I am wearie of this Moone; would he would change.I am aweary of this moon. Would he would change. MND V.i.244

It appeares by his smal light of discretion, thatIt appears by his small light of discretion that MND V.i.246
he is in the wane: but yet in courtesie, in all reason, wehe is in the wane. But yet in courtesy, in all reason, we MND V.i.247
must stay the time.must stay the time. MND V.i.248
Proceed Moone.Proceed, Moon. MND V.i.249
All that I haue to say, is to tell you, that theAll that I have to say is to tell you that the MND V.i.250
Lanthorne is the Moone; I, the man in the Moone; this thornelantern is the moon, I the man i'th' moon, this thorn MND V.i.251
bush, my thorne bush; and this dog, my dog.bush my thorn bush, and this dog my dog. MND V.i.252
Why all these should be in the Lanthorne: forWhy, all these should be in the lantern; for MND V.i.253
they are in the Moone. But silence, heere comes Thisby.all these are in the moon. But, silence: here comes Thisbe. MND V.i.254
Enter Thisby.Enter Flute as Thisbe MND V.i.255
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
This is old Ninnies tombe: where is my loue?This is old Ninny's tomb. Where is my love? MND V.i.255
Lyon. SNUG as Lion 
Oh.O! MND V.i.256
The Lion roares, Thisby runs off.Lion roars. Flute as Thisbe runs off MND V.i.257
Well roar'd Lion.Well roared, Lion! MND V.i.257
Well run Thisby.Well run, Thisbe! MND V.i.258
Well shone Moone. / Truly the Moone shinesWell shone, Moon! Truly, the moon shines MND V.i.259
with a good grace.with a good grace. MND V.i.260
Lion tears Thisbe's mantle. Exit MND V.i.260
Wel mouz'd Lion.Well moused, Lion! MND V.i.261
And then came Piramus.And then came Pyramus. MND V.i.262
And so the Lion vanisht.And so the lion vanished. MND V.i.263
Enter Piramus.Enter Bottom as Pyramus MND V.i.264
Pyr. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
Sweet Moone, I thank thee for thy sunny beames,Sweet moon, I thank thee for thy sunny beams; MND V.i.264
I thanke thee Moone, for shining now so bright:I thank thee, moon, for shining now so bright; MND V.i.265
For by thy gracious, golden, glittering beames,For by thy gracious, golden, glittering beams MND V.i.266
I trust to taste of truest Thisbies sight.I trust to take of truest Thisbe sight. MND V.i.267
But stay: O spight!But stay – O spite! MND V.i.268
but marke, poore Knight,But mark, poor Knight,mark (v.)

old form: marke
note, pay attention [to], take notice [of]
MND V.i.269
What dreadful dole is heere?What dreadful dole is here?dole (n.)
grief, sorrow, sadness
MND V.i.270
Eyes do you see!Eyes, do you see? –  MND V.i.271
How can it be!How can it be? MND V.i.272
O dainty Ducke: O Deere!O dainty duck, O dear! MND V.i.273
Thy mantle good;Thy mantle good –  MND V.i.274
what staind with blood!What, stained with blood! MND V.i.275
Approch you Furies fell:Approach, ye Furies fell.Furies (n.)
three goddesses, spirits of vengeance, depicted as carrying torches and covered with snakes
MND V.i.276
O Fates! come, come:O Fates, come, come, MND V.i.277
Cut thred and thrum,Cut thread and thrum,thrum (n.)
unwoven end of a warp-thread on a loom
MND V.i.278
Quaile, crush, conclude, and quell.Quail, crush, conclude, and quell.quail (v.)

old form: Quaile
overpower, destroy, make an end
MND V.i.279
quell (v.)
kill, destroy, slay
This passion, and the death of a deare friend,This passion, and the death of a dear friend,passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
MND V.i.280
Would go neere to make a man looke sad.would go near to make a man look sad.sad (adj.)
serious, grave, solemn
MND V.i.281
Beshrew my heart, but I pittie the man.Beshrew my heart, but I pity the man.beshrew, 'shrew (v.)
curse, devil take, evil befall
MND V.i.282
Pir. BOTTOM as Pyramus 
O wherefore Nature, did'st thou Lions frame?O wherefore, nature, didst thou lions frame, MND V.i.283
Since Lion vilde hath heere deflour'd my deere:Since lion vile hath here deflowered my dear? MND V.i.284
Which is: no, no, which was the fairest DameWhich is – no, no, which was – the fairest damedame (n.)
lady, mistress, woman of rank
MND V.i.285
That liu'd, that lou'd, that lik'd, that look'd with cheere.That lived, that loved, that liked, that looked with cheer.cheer (n.)

old form: cheere
face, look, expression
MND V.i.286
Come teares, confound:Come tears, confound; MND V.i.287
Out sword, and woundOut sword, and wound MND V.i.288
The pap of Piramus:The pap of Pyramus. MND V.i.289
I, that left pap,Ay, that left pap, MND V.i.290
where heart doth hop;Where heart doth hop. MND V.i.291
Thus dye I, thus, thus, thus.Thus die I – thus, thus, thus. MND V.i.292
He stabs himself MND V.i.293
Now am I dead,Now am I dead, MND V.i.293
now am I fled,Now am I fled; MND V.i.294
my soule is in the sky,My soul is in the sky; MND V.i.295
Tongue lose thy light,Tongue, lose thy light; MND V.i.296
Moone take thy flight,Moon, take thy flight; MND V.i.297

Exit Starveling as Moonshine MND V.i.297
Now dye, dye, dye, dye, dye.Now die, die, die, die, die. MND V.i.298
He dies MND V.i.298
No Die, but an ace for him; for he is but one.No die, but an ace for him; for he is but one.die (n.)
one of a pair of dice
MND V.i.299
ace (n.)
one [lowest score on a dice]
Lesse then an ace man. For he is dead, he isLess than an ace, man; for he is dead. He is MND V.i.300
nothing. nothing.nothing (n.)
[state of] nothingness, oblivion, extinction
MND V.i.301
With the helpe of a Surgeon, he might yet recouer,With the help of a surgeon he might yet recover,surgeon (n.)
doctor, physician
MND V.i.302
and proue an Asse.and prove an ass. MND V.i.303
How chance Moone-shine is gone before?How chance Moonshine is gone before MND V.i.304
Thisby comes backe, and findes her Louer.Thisbe comes back and finds her lover? MND V.i.305
She wil finde him by starre-light. / Heere she comes,She will find him by starlight. Here she comes; MND V.i.306
and her passion ends the play.and her passion ends the play.passion (n.)
passionate outburst, emotional passage
MND V.i.307
Enter Thisby.Enter Flute as Thisbe MND V.i.308.1
Me thinkes shee should not vse a long one forMethinks she should not use a long one formethinks(t), methought(s) (v.)
it seems / seemed to me
MND V.i.308
such a Piramus: I hope she will be breefe.such a Pyramus. I hope she will be brief. MND V.i.309
A Moth wil turne the ballance, which PiramusA mote will turn the balance which Pyramus,mote (n.)

old form: Moth
speck of dust, tiny particle, trifle
MND V.i.310
which Thisby is the better. which Thisbe is the better – he for a man, God warrantwarrant (v.)
protect, preserve, keep safe
MND V.i.311
us; she for a woman, God bless us. MND V.i.312
She hath spyed him already, with those sweeteShe hath spied him already, with those sweet MND V.i.313
eyes.eyes. MND V.i.314
And thus she meanes, videlicit.And thus she means, videlicet:mean (v.)

old form: meanes
lament, mourn, make complaint
MND V.i.315
videlicet (adv.)
[pron: vi'deliset] namely
This. FLUTE as Thisbe 
Asleepe my Loue?Asleep, my love? MND V.i.316
What, dead my Doue?What, dead, my dove? MND V.i.317
O Piramus arise:O Pyramus, arise. MND V.i.318
Speake, Speake. Quite dumbe?Speak, speak. Quite dumb? MND V.i.319
Dead, dead? A tombeDead, dead? A tomb MND V.i.320
Must couer thy sweet eyes.Must cover thy sweet eyes. MND V.i.321
These Lilly Lips,These lily lips, MND V.i.322
this cherry nose,This cherry nose, MND V.i.323
These yellow Cowslip cheekesThese yellow cowslip cheeks MND V.i.324
Are gone, are gone:Are gone, are gone. MND V.i.325
Louers make mone:Lovers, make moan –  MND V.i.326
His eyes were greene as Leekes.His eyes were green as leeks. MND V.i.327
O sisters three,O sisters three,Sisters Three
alternative name for the Fates
MND V.i.328
come, come to mee,Come, come to me MND V.i.329
With hands as pale as Milke,With hands as pale as milk; MND V.i.330
Lay them in gore, Lay them in gore, MND V.i.331
since you haue shoreSince you have shore MND V.i.332
With sheeres, his thred of silke.With shears his thread of silk. MND V.i.333
Tongue not a word:Tongue, not a word! MND V.i.334
Come trusty sword:Come, trusty sword, MND V.i.335
Come blade, my brest imbrue:Come blade, my breast imbrue.imbrue, embrue (v.)
pierce, stab, stain with blood
MND V.i.336

She stabs herself MND V.i.337
And farwell friends,And farewell friends. MND V.i.337
thus Thisbie ends;Thus Thisbe ends. MND V.i.338
Adieu, adieu, adieu.Adieu, adieu, adieu! MND V.i.339

She dies MND V.i.339
Moone-shine & Lion are left to burie the dead.Moonshine and Lion are left to bury the dead. MND V.i.340
I, and Wall too.Ay, and Wall too. MND V.i.341

(starting up) MND V.i.342
No, I assure you, the wall is downe,No, I assure you, the wall is down MND V.i.342
that parted their Fathers. Will it please you to see thethat parted their fathers. Will it please you to see the MND V.i.343
Epilogue, or to heare a Bergomask dance, betweene two ofepilogue, or to hear a Bergomask dance between two ofBergomask (n.)
in the manner of the people of Bergamo, N Italy
MND V.i.344
our company? our company? MND V.i.345
No Epilogue, I pray you; for your play needs noNo epilogue, I pray you; for your play needs no MND V.i.346
excuse. Neuer excuse; for when the plaiers are all dead,excuse. Never excuse; for when the players are all dead,excuse (v.)
explain, give reasons [for]
MND V.i.347
there need none to be blamed. Marry, if hee that writ itthere needs none to be blamed. Marry, if he that writ itmarry (int.)
[exclamation] by Mary
MND V.i.348
had plaid Piramus, and hung himselfe in Thisbieshad played Pyramus and hanged himself in Thisbe's MND V.i.349
garter, it would haue beene a fine Tragedy: and so it isgarter, it would have been a fine tragedy. And so it is, MND V.i.350
truely, and very notably discharg'd. But come, yourtruly, and very notably discharged. But come, yourdischarge (v.)

old form: discharg'd
play, perform, execute
MND V.i.351
Burgomaske; let your Epilogue alone.Bergomask; let your epilogue alone. MND V.i.352
A dance. Exeunt Bottom and his fellows MND V.i.352
The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelue.The iron tongue of midnight hath told twelve.tell (v.)
count out, number, itemize
MND V.i.353
Louers to bed, 'tis almost Fairy time.Lovers, to bed; 'tis almost fairy time. MND V.i.354
I feare we shall out-sleepe the comming morne,I fear we shall outsleep the coming mornmorn (n.)

old form: morne
morning, dawn
MND V.i.355
outsleep (v.)

old form: out-sleepe
sleep beyond [a time], sleep in
As much as we this night haue ouer-watcht.As much as we this night have overwatched.overwatch (v.)

old form: ouer-watcht
stay up late, remain awake
MND V.i.356
This palpable grosse play hath well beguil'dThis palpable-gross play hath well beguiledpalpable-gross (adj.)obviously clumsy, plainly ignorantMND V.i.357
The heauy gate of night. Sweet friends to bed.The heavy gait of night. Sweet friends, to bed.heavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
slow-moving, sluggish, laggard
MND V.i.358
gait (n.)

old form: gate
manner of walking, bearing, movement
A fortnight hold we this solemnity.A fortnight hold we this solemnity MND V.i.359
In nightly Reuels; and new iollitie. In nightly revels and new jollity.nightly (adj.)
of the night, active at night
MND V.i.360
Exeunt.Exeunt Theseus, Hippolyta, Philostrate, MND V.i.360.1
Demetrius, Helena, Lysander, Hermia, MND V.i.360.2
Lords, and Attendants MND V.i.360.3
Enter Pucke.Enter Puck MND V.i.361
Puck. PUCK 
Now the hungry Lyons rores,Now the hungry lion roars MND V.i.361
And the Wolfe beholds the Moone:And the wolf behowls the moon,behowl (v.)
howl at, bay, cry out to
MND V.i.362
Whilest the heauy ploughman snores,Whilst the heavy ploughman snoresheavy (adj.)

old form: heauy
weary, exhausted, worn out
MND V.i.363
All with weary taske fore-done.All with weary task fordone.fordone (adj.)

old form: fore-done
exhausted, tired out, worn out
MND V.i.364
Now the wasted brands doe glow,Now the wasted brands do glowwasted (adj.)
spent, consumed, burnt-out
MND V.i.365
Whil'st the scritch-owle, scritching loud,Whilst the screech-owl, screeching loud, MND V.i.366
Puts the wretch that lies in woe,Puts the wretch that lies in woe MND V.i.367
In remembrance of a shrowd.In remembrance of a shroud.remembrance (n.)
memory, bringing to mind, recollection
MND V.i.368
Now it is the time of night,Now it is the time of night MND V.i.369
That the graues, all gaping wide,That the graves, all gaping wide, MND V.i.370
Euery one lets forth his spright,Every one lets forth his sprite MND V.i.371
In the Church-way paths to glide,In the churchway paths to glide. MND V.i.372
And we Fairies, that do runne,And we fairies, that do run MND V.i.373
By the triple Hecates teame,By the triple Hecate's team,Hecat, Hecate (n.)
[pron: 'hekat, 'hekatee] Greek goddess of the underworld; associated with magic, ghosts, witchcraft
MND V.i.374
From the presence of the Sunne,From the presence of the sun MND V.i.375
Following darkenesse like a dreame,Following darkness like a dream, MND V.i.376
Now are frollicke; not a MouseNow are frolic. Not a mousefrolic (adj.)

old form: frollicke
frolicsome, merry, frisky
MND V.i.377
Shall disturbe this hallowed house.Shall disturb this hallowed house. MND V.i.378
I am sent with broome before,I am sent with broom before MND V.i.379
To sweep the dust behinde the doore.To sweep the dust behind the door. MND V.i.380
Enter King and Queene of Fairies, with their traine.Enter Oberon and Titania, with all their train MND V.i.381
Through the house giue glimmering light,Through the house give glimmering light MND V.i.381
By the dead and drowsie fier,By the dead and drowsy fire; MND V.i.382
Euerie Elfe and Fairie spright,Every elf and fairy sprite MND V.i.383
Hop as light as bird from brier,Hop as light as bird from briar, MND V.i.384
And this Ditty after me, And this ditty after meditty (n.)
MND V.i.385
sing and dance it trippinglie.Sing, and dance it trippingly. MND V.i.386
First rehearse this song by roate,First rehearse your song by rote,rehearse (v.)
pronounce, speak, utter
MND V.i.387
To each word a warbling note.To each word a warbling note. MND V.i.388
Hand in hand, with Fairie grace,Hand in hand with fairy grace MND V.i.389
Will we sing and blesse this place.Will we sing and bless this place. MND V.i.390
The Song.Song and dance MND V.i.391
Now vntill the breake of day,Now until the break of day MND V.i.391
Through this house each Fairy stray.Through this house each fairy stray. MND V.i.392
To the best Bride-bed will we,To the best bride bed will we, MND V.i.393
Which by vs shall blessed be:Which by us shall blessed be; MND V.i.394
And the issue there create,And the issue there createissue (n.)
child(ren), offspring, family, descendant
MND V.i.395
Euer shall be fortunate:Ever shall be fortunate. MND V.i.396
So shall all the couples three,So shall all the couples three MND V.i.397
Euer true in louing be:Ever true in loving be, MND V.i.398
And the blots of Natures hand,And the blots of nature's hand MND V.i.399
Shall not in their issue stand.Shall not in their issue stand. MND V.i.400
Neuer mole, harelip, nor scarre,Never mole, harelip, nor scar, MND V.i.401
Nor marke prodigious, such as areNor mark prodigious, such as aremark (n.)

old form: marke
birthmark, discolouration, blemish
MND V.i.402
prodigious (adj.)
ominous, portentous, promising evil
Despised in Natiuitie,Despised in nativity, MND V.i.403
Shall vpon their children be.Shall upon their children be. MND V.i.404
With this field dew consecrate,With this field dew consecrateconsecrate (adj.)
consecrated, blessed, sanctified
MND V.i.405
Euery Fairy take his gate,Every fairy take his gait,gait (n.)

old form: gate
proceedings, course, doings, steps
MND V.i.406
And each seuerall chamber blesse,And each several chamber blessseveral (adj.)

old form: seuerall
separate, different, distinct
MND V.i.407
Through this Pallace with sweet peace,Through this palace with sweet peace; MND V.i.408
And the owner of it blest.And the owner of it blessed MND V.i.409
Euer shall in safety rest,Ever shall in safety rest. MND V.i.410
Trip away, make no stay;Trip away; make no stay. MND V.i.411
Meet me all by breake of day.Meet me all by break of day. MND V.i.412
Exeunt Oberon, Titania, and their train MND V.i.412
(to the audience) MND V.i.413
If we shadowes haue offended,If we shadows have offended, MND V.i.413
Thinke but this (and all is mended)Think but this, and all is mended: MND V.i.414
That you haue but slumbred heere,That you have but slumbered here MND V.i.415
While these visions did appeare.While these visions did appear. MND V.i.416
And this weake and idle theame,And this weak and idle theme,weak (adj.)

old form: weake
of little worth, wanting, deficient
MND V.i.417
No more yeelding but a dreame,No more yielding but a dream, MND V.i.418
Centles, doe not reprehend.Gentles, do not reprehend.reprehend (v.)
reprove, censure, rebuke
MND V.i.419
gentle (n.)
(plural) ladies and gentlemen, gentlefolk
If you pardon, we will mend.If you pardon, we will mend. MND V.i.420
And as I am an honest Pucke,And, as I am an honest Puck, MND V.i.421
If we haue vnearned lucke,If we have unearned luck MND V.i.422
Now to scape the Serpents tongue,Now to 'scape the serpent's tonguescape, 'scape (v.)
escape, avoid
MND V.i.423
We will make amends ere long:We will make amends ere long, MND V.i.424
Else the Pucke a lyar call.Else the Puck a liar call. MND V.i.425
So good night vnto you all.So, good night unto you all. MND V.i.426
Giue me your hands, if we be friends,Give me your hands if we be friends, MND V.i.427
And Robin shall restore amends.And Robin shall restore amends. MND V.i.428
Exit MND V.i.428
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